Ace, the Queen of the Apocalypse as most know it. She rules the world with an iron fist. The girl said to be independent, nonaligned, sufficient, and self-ruling. But that all changes when she meets a special sniper. She denies every feeling she has...
On their drive to Canada they managed to stop by Ace's military base. She insisted that she wanted to change into her old uniform and grab some guns so she did so.
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She managed to grab her uniform, some extra ammo, the keys to a vehicle, gas, and the vehicle. They climb back into the car and continue their drive.
They finally get to the border. The Canadian border go be exact.
"Hello muddah, hello faddah. Greeting from Camp Marijuana." Sarge sings.
Doc joins in. "Big buds good here. Hash is better. I'm so stoned that I can hardly write this letter." Doc finishes
"Here we are. Cannabis country." Sarge says
"Oh, my god. Uh, those aren't pot leaves, dear. They're maple leaves. Those are Canadian flags." Murphy corrects
"Oh, Canada." Sarge realizes
"So this is Canada?" 10k questions
"Oui." Ace answers in French with a smile.
"Newmerica's probably less than two days drive now." Doc says
"Barring any unforeseen zombie action." Sarge says
"Well, what do you say, Chief?" Doc asks Warren
"She's not the chief anymore. She said so herself." Murphy says
"Shut up, Murphy." Doc says "We doing this?"
"We're doing this." Warren agrees
"Frozen wasteland of peace, here I come." Murphy mumbles
"Kinda seems to good to be true." 10k says skeptically
Ace pulls 5k close to her just in case anything pops up.
"Yeah, I know what you mean, kid." Doc agrees. "I remember when Newmerica was called California. It's just so hard to believe anything anymore."
"Yeah well I'm back to believing in nobody but myself. I'm still alive, and I keep going."
"Yeah, you're like a cockroach that way." Warren adds
"Yeah, well you know what they say about cockroaches? They survive. And I plan to keep on surviving thank you very much." Murphy says
"No one says that." Ace argues
Zombies pop up around them.
"Oh, tabernac!" Murphy shouts
Zombie start to surround everyone.
"More coming, Ace. 12 o'clock." 10k says
Ace hands 5k one of her golden pistols. They march towards the border as zombie Canadian soldiers make their way over.