Home Sweet Zombie

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Ace lies on a couch asleep. 10k sits in a chair next to her reason a magazine. Doc and Murphy play cards, Cassandra sleeps on a different couch, Mack and Addy take watch and Warren and Garnett drink coffee.

Mack and Addy come inside.

"You're up." Addy says

"All good?" Garnett asks

"Peaceful night." Addy answers

"Ace's stalker said there's a storm front coming in. How is it out there?" Warren asks

"Cloudy with a chance of zombie."

"Okay, You two get some rest." Garnett says

"You got it."

Ace churns in her sleep. The blanket slides off of her and into the floor.

10k gets up to put the blacker back on her. As he is tucking her is she whips out a knife and stabs the area near his hand.

"The...blanket...I was just...sorry." 10k stutters

She rips the knife out of the couch and tucks it into place.

"Scared of that one." Murphy says as he sits at the table playing cards with Doc

"Best not to mess." Doc says

"You know if we breed those two, it'd be all over for the zombies."  Murphy says in a whisper

"I can hear you, jackass." Ace growls

"Why are you called Ace anyways?" Murphy asks

"Since you're up, and I have a deck of cards, show him." Doc says

Ace sighs and throws the blanket aside. She walks over to them and Doc shuffles the cards.

"Deal 'em." Ace says as she rubs her tired eyes

Doc deals himself, Ace and Murphy the deck.

Ace picks up her cards and smirks. She flips her cards around to show the ace of spades and a few other cards.

"That's just luck." Murphy says

He snatches all of the cards and shuffles them then deals them. He slides the Ace of spades down his sleeve as he shuffles.

Ace picks up her new pile and shows them three aces and a suicide king. She flicks her hand down and reveals another ace of spades.

Doc starts laughing at Murphy's face as it is cemented in awe. He checks his sleeve for the card but doesn't find it. 10k watches from afar with a smirk on his face.

"How the hell?"

"Well first of all, my name comes from the fact that I always get the Aces when playing cards. Second, when you were shuffling, the card fell from your sleeve and onto the floor. I just picked it up." Ace says smirking.

"Hey what's with that skull you never do anything with?" Doc asks

Ace unhooks the obsidian skull from her belt and throws it at the ground. The skull bounces back into her hand but this time as a staff.

A wooden pole sticks out from the bottom of the skull. Ace pulls out one of the teeth. Attached to the tooth is a small yet long knife.

"Nobody touches my skull. Got it?" Ace threatens."

Ace slams the bottom of the pole on the ground and it returns back into just a skull.

She attaches it to her belt once more.

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