New World, Old Me

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She slides the large double doors open and walks towards a large unfinished handmade vehicle. Ace pulls off her leather jacket and hangs it up and then pulls a grease-covered apron over her head. The house has become familiar to her in the short amount of time she had been here.

A wrench lays on the ground just beside the strange vehicle. As Ace walks by, she stops on one side of the bent wrench and it jumps into the air and into her hand. It's muscle memory at this point, every day is never the same but every day she works on that thing.

In the center of the room sits an unfinished motorcycle looking thing. Wrenches, hammers, drills and more tools cover the walls. Desks lay against the walls covered in screws, nails, pipes, chains, and bolts. Ace rummages her hands through the mess of each desk, heaving at least one thing from each and begins to mend them to the bike. Her mind keeps jolting back to the memory of the man in the woods.

"Lucy?" Ace asks out loud


"Who was that in the woods? What did they look like?" She asks as she approaches her vehicle and begins to twist any loose bolts

'It was hard to tell but dark brown hair and was wearing all black. One of his eyes looked lighter than the other.'


'I think so.'

Ace growls to herself and walks away from her motorcycle and over to a rope hanging from the ceiling. She begins to climb it and through a hole in the ceiling into the main part of the house. Callouses had formed over her palms from climbing the rope so much.

'Why does it matter?'

"You aren't wondering who put us here?"

'Who cares? We're alive at least.'

"Yeah, why though?"

Lucy stays silent after that. Ace's foot slams against a loose wooden board that rest on the floor. A lever pops out once the floor board springs up and she swiftly pulls it.

Part of the ceiling caves in revealing a few weapons and gadgets strapped to it. She grabs a telescope and looks to the window in the top of the house. She scans through the woods looking for anything. Ace spots someone running away and soon is out of her view.

"Whoever it was is gone now." She sighs.

She adjusts her hat and stands up, striding away from the window. Ace shoves the telescope back into its spot and pushes the part of the roof back up.

Her legs carry her over to a mini-fridge next to a cot on the wooden floor. With one swift jump, she twists and lands on her back, snuggling into the cot. She reaches over and grabs a beer, taking only a sip before her eyes drift closed.

-next morning-

Ace rubs her eyes and crawls out of bed, opening the window. The air is thick and hot but the sky is still dark. The sun sits just below the horizon and slowly begins to peek its way over the grassy lands.

She grabs the beer from the table and begins to drink its contents as she watches the sun slowly rise.

Ace pulls her hat over her hair and immediately makes her way into the garage, to work on her motorcycle.

'What's the big rush for?' Lucy asks

"NewMerica. If I'm still alive then others are and I'm sure that's where they're going."

Finally, the motorcycle is finished. Ace smirks to herself and all she needs to do is put an engine in it. With absolutely nothing, she resorts to the last thing, her generator.

Ace rolls her eyes and tosses together a quick sidecar to attach to the side of the motorcycle

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Ace rolls her eyes and tosses together a quick sidecar to attach to the side of the motorcycle. She pulls on a pair of thick gardening gloves and pulls the generator into the sidecar.

She places her hands on her hips and steps back, admiring her artwork. Her apron is covered in smeared grease and her forehead is shiny with beads of sweat.

The gloves and apron are tossed in a wrinkled pile into the corner of the room.

The feeling of being watched overwhelms her. She realizes she left the back door wide open, open to the world. She turns around, finding her trusty shotgun and leans into the scope. Her eyes scan over the field that was her backyard. It was nothing but dried grass and some trees that blow in the gentle breeze.

The hairs on her arms raise as she gets nervous. She becomes hostile and moves closer to the opening on the door, peering to the left first, and then the right.

She watches as something black just disappears around the corner of her house. She quietly cocks her gun, slowly inching her way to the front of the house. She makes it to the corner, pressing her back to the wall and taking in a breath. The sound of dry grass crunching fills her ears.

She sucks in a deep breath, adjusting her cowgirl hat on her head and pressing her back against the side of the house. She listens carefully and hears the sound of someone running away.

She quickly turns the corner. And a gunshot rings through the field. Ace covers her ears and ducks to the ground, hiding in the tall brown grass.

A few seconds pass and she pushes herself to her knees, her eyes scanning over the wild grass. A zombie lays in front of her, just next to the corner of the house.

"Who's our there?!" Ace shouts, her voice shouts over the silent sound of the field.

The sound of a twig snapping fills her ears and she immediately turns to it. She flips over onto her back, spotting a zombie limping towards her. She readies her shotgun but the zombie drops before she can fire.

"Who the hell is out there?!" Ace shouts again, springing to her feet and pointing her gun around

She feels her heartbeat rise into her throat, pounding on her neck to let her stomach spill. She swallows heavily, adjusting the hat on her head and marching inside, hiding her fear.

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