The group wanders through a maze of cars.
They whack at a zombie on the ground. Everyone punches, whacks and shoots it until it's nothing but a pile of mush.
"Oh. Hope they're not all gonna be that hard to kill." Murphy says
Everyone frowns and looks to Murphy. He just sat back and watches as everyone else did the work. Even 5k helped kill it.
"Why can't the virus mutate into happy peace-loving zombies that crave weed instead of brains?" Doc asks.
"Cuz life sucks," Ace says as she picks up her ax
"Keep it moving. Let's go." Warren says.
The group makes their way through the abundance of cars. Ace walks along the top of the cars and everyone walks between them. 10k is walking next to 5k making sure he doesn't run off.
"Murphy! Catch up!" Warren scolds as Murphy looks through a car
"You know, we must've lost those Zona goons by now!" Murphy complains
"Yeah, well keep moving!" Warren says
"What kind of ass menagerie. Looks like Satan's parking lot." Doc complains
"They warned us about this in our mission briefings. Officially, it's 'Spontaneous Mass Mortality Sots number 247.' But civilians call it 'The Great Pile.' Goes on for 200 square miles. No way around it. No read through it. Just one big no-go zone." Sarge says
"And yet, here we go," Murphy growls. "Newmerica is looking better all the time."
"Roger that," Sarge says
Ace leaps from car to car. She makes her way through the massive mess trying not to bore herself to death.
"You know, if I was a zombie, and I am kind of an honorary one, this is exactly the kind of place I would hang out waiting to eat the brains of someone stupid enough to come along," Murphy complains as he stops for a second
"Murphy, move your ass!" Warren yells
They finally stop for a quick break.
"So, Warren, I don't mean to be a buzz kill or anything on your mission from God or whatever it is. But... do you have an idea where the hell we're going?" Murphy asks as he places his hands on his.hips
"East," is all she says
"East. What, just East?" Murphy asks
Ace rolls her eyes and walks over to her two boys.
"Hey." She smiles
"Hey," 10k says back.
Ace lays herself down on a car and relaxes.
"So what happened to your face?" 10k finally says
"I was shot." Ace says not wanting to go into detail
"Shot? By who? When? Are you okay?" 10k asks as he bombards her with questions
"Hey, it's okay. I'm fine. You see me walking?" Ace asks as she sits up
"All right." He says
"Let's get going." Ace says as she watches Warren continue walking
She picks up her ax and gun and follows her.

Play Your Cards
FanfictionAce, the Queen of the Apocalypse as most know it. She rules the world with an iron fist. The girl said to be independent, nonaligned, sufficient, and self-ruling. But that all changes when she meets a special sniper. She denies every feeling she has...