Welcome to Murphy town

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Ace sits in her room with her feet propped up on her bed. She rests her back against the wall. She taps her foot in the air and thinks.

She was grounded after her 'walk'. Her dad put a guard at her door so she doesn't leave her window or something.

A small girl sits in her room as she paints with her mother.

Ace gets up and starts to draw on the chalkboard.

With Doc

Doc pushes a cart with 10k sleeping soundly inside. A black umbrella covers his face and engulfs him with the shade. His feet dangle over the front of the cart and all of their belongings are stuffed underneath the cart.

The sun beats down on Doc as she strolls down the road.

"It gets lonely out here in the apocalypse. People are getting fewer and fewer and meaner and meaner." Doc says to himself. "You know, kid? Kid?" He shakes 10k but he doesn't wake up. "How are you feeling?" Still no answer. "That's okay. You sleep it off. That cocktail Ace gave you would have whooped my ass too for sure."

Doc starts to grow tired from pushing the cart uphill. The sun seems to get hotter and hotter.

"I dunno how much more of this zombie shit  I'm gonna be able to put up with. With Warren and Addy gone, if anything else happens to you, I might just have to go out in s blaze of zombie glory." Doc sighs

A car begins to drive down the road and Doc notices. He turns around and spots a red van driving towards him.

"Car's coming." He mumbles

He wheels the cart behind an abandoned car on the side of the road. He crouched down and hides as well.

As the car drives by he gets a glimpse of Warren and Addy in the car. He stands up from his spot.

"Hey!" He says as he notices

Doc takes the scarf from around his head and he runs in the middle of the road and waves his scarf in the air.

"Warren!" He shouts

The tires squeal as Warren stomps on the breaks. The car skids and Warren flips the car around in one turn.

"Doc!" Addy yells happily

"Doc!" Warren yells as well

She stops the car and hops out.

"Hey, you guys!" He says happily

"Steven Beck. Where the hell have you been?" Warren scolds. "We've been looking all over for you!"

They hug each other tightly.

"What happened to me? What happened to you?" Doc says

"Uh, you didn't see the horse of spider zombies?" Addy asks

"Spider zombies?" Doc questions. "Damn. No."

"They were covered in black widows, man." Hector cringes

"Black widow spiders crawling with them. Ugh!" Addy shivers in disgust

"Okay, So what happened to you?" Warren asks

"Well, have you ever seen the movie, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest? Add zombies, a black Elvis, and mix well." Doc says. "It's a long story. But the best part is...I found 10k and Ace!" Doc cheers

"What?" Warren question.

The cart begins to roll down the road. Doc's face flushed and he takes off after it.

"10k!" He yells as he sprints to the cart

With Ace

Murphy walks into the room as Ace finishes drawing a rose and a skull. His skin blocked with blue and tan. one of his eyes are now a spotted orange. His hair is shorter and a small beard grows at his chin.

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