Zombie Baby Daddy

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The group stands in Illinois. 10k and Ace hold their slingshots ready and aim at the z's around them. The two stand on a car and fire.

Warren and Vasquez stand back to back swinging their weapons and firing their guns at zs.

Doc stands alone with a wooden baseball bat and swings at a zombie with a helmet on. He flips around and hits another z. They drop dead to the floor.

Addy stands alone with her z-whacker in her hands. She jumps off a car and whacks one in the head. She spins around and does this to two other zombies.

They all keep chopping, firing, hitting, swinging and shooting at zombies until they all drop dead.

Cassandra pushes zombies away from Murphy who is up against a blue van holding the baby named Lucy. Murphy uses his zombie telekineses to stop them but it doesn't work. The baby keeps crying in his arms.

"Doc!" Murphy yells as he watches him run past

Murphy throws him the baby. Doc throws the bat to the ground and everyone watches the baby soar through the air. Doc catches the baby and runs away from the zombies.

He runs into a bus filled with zombies dressed as Abraham Lincoln. They all wear top hats and sit there looking dead.

"Holy acid flashback, man," Doc says

The zombies slowly lift their heads and look at Doc. They start growling. Doc holds the baby closer to his chest and backs up to the closed bus doors. He starts yelling in a panic.

Ace jumps off the car and stops a z's head in. She takes off towards the bus in a dead sprint. She pries the doors open and Doc backs out.

"What in gods name?" Warren asks as she gets there and sees the Abraham Lincoln zombies

"Oh good, you see them too."

"Ace. Hot potato." Doc says as he tosses her the baby.

She drops her slingshot and cradles the baby in her arms. She reaches down and picks up her slingshot. She tucks it in her belt and holds her gun.

Ace runs away from the zombies and ducks behind 10k. He fires at the zs with his slingshot. Doc pikes the zombies and Addy hits them with her bat. Ace shoots at them with her gun. They repeat this until they drop dead... again.

A zombie walks out with a giant penny attached to the side of its face. 10k fires at it but it bounced off the penny. It turns to him, revealing a human...well, Zombie penny. 10k fires at it.

Doc picks a top hat off of a z ad places it on his head. Ace cradles the baby and it garbles at her. Murphy comes over and gently takes the baby from her arms.

"Adorable, isn't she?" He asks

Ace smiles at the baby.

"Thought you didn't like babies?" Warren ask

"I never said that. I said I didn't like that baby. But she's daddy's little precious angel, aren't you." Murphy says to the baby as he continues to coo at the baby

"What?" He asks as he sees Warren looking at him funny


Murphy separated himself from the group and Cassandra sits in front of him, guarding him.

"Hey. Is anybody else worried about the baby?" Doc asks

"I don't know whether to be worried for that baby or afraid of that baby." Warren says "you see the way she attracts z's?"

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