Adios Muchachos

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The needle draws closer and closer to Vasquez's neck. Just as the needle is about to reach his neck Ace turns over to La Reina.

"I don't trust him." She says

"One moment, Doctor." La Reina says

Ace quickly devises a plan in her head. Warren looks over to Ace with fearful eyes. She is grateful for Ace right now. Ace sends a wink her way.

"He tried to cheat you once before. Right? One way to make sure your food isn't being poisoned is to have your chef taste is first." Ace says with trusting eyes as she looks up at La Reina

Warren let's out a quiet sigh of relief.

She isn't doing this for Warren or Vasquez. She is doing this for revenge. One thing everyone knows about Ace, she always holds a grudge.

"On second thought. It is such a monumental accomplishment that the honor of the first dose should really go to you." La Reina says

Ace smirks as Kurian looks back at Ace with fearful eyes. He looks at everyone in the room.

"I can't. I...wouldn't...presume to take-"

"Oh, please. I insist." La Reina says

"I'm not worthy, my queen. If anyone should have to honor of the first dose, it should be you. Don't you think?"

"If that's what I thought, Doctor, I would have said it."

Kurian looks back to Murphy, who is eating a bowl of popcorn and watching this as if it was a movie. Ace leans on the skull staff and smirks to herself.

"Well then, Doctor?"

"Do you need some help, Doctor?" Escorpion asks


Kurian stares into Aces eyes as they burn with hate. Ace stares right back with a strong hateful glare burning into his eyes. Kurian rolls up his sleeve and takes the needle. He sticks the needle into his arm and injects the serum.

He almost faints but catches himself. He tries to recover but falls to the ground.

Ace watches him fall with a small knowing smirk on her face.

Everyone knows, if you make her mad, jealous, or anything like that, you will die. Whether it's from her or something else. You will die.

Kurian twitches on the ground and falls unconscious.

"Kill him." La Reina orders.

Warren and Ace pull out their pistols and go to shoot him but he holds up his arm.

"Wait! Wait." He tries getting up. "I'm good." He says

Ace's smile falters and she frowns.

"I mean I'm- I'm fine. I'm good. I'm good." Kurian says as he pushes himself up and stands on his shakes legs

"I'm fine." He says finally

"Test him." La Reina orders

A man walks out with a small box. Something grows from inside of, clearly angry.

"Whats in that box?" Kurian asks

"No. No. I have my own test." He keeps protesting but Escorpion takes his arm and shoves it in the box.

Kurian screams in pain as the thing chomps on his hand.

"Okay. That's enough." La Reina says

He pulls his hand out to see it covered in blood with a bite mark on his hand. Ace smirks to herself once more. Not because he isn't dead, of course, she isn't happy about that, but she is happy to see him suffer.

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