Getting Sidetracked

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"Come on out."

The voice was sort of familiar to Ace, like it was trying to bring back a memory so distant in her mind.

"Come on, I won't hurt you."

"Keep in mind, you're not the only one with a gun." Ace growls, cocking it

The voice sighs, taking one step closer to the car and stoping. Ace watches fingers latch underneath the car and someone lets out a stressed groan. The car suddenly shifts and tips to one side, creating a large gap for Ace to crawl out of.

Hesitantly, she rolls out quickly and gets on a knee, her pistol tamed at the back of the man's head. The man drops the car to the ground and lets out a loud sigh.

He looks over her shoulder at her. He gives her a side glance while looking over his shoulder. His blue eyes piercing her skin as he looks at her. His brown hair flows gently in the wind.

Ace feels anger pinch her as soon as she spots him. But at the same time, relief, happiness, fear, and so many more emotions crushed into her stomach making her stomach churn.

"Allison, you're okay." His lips turn into a smile and he face her completely, wrapping her in his arms

Ace is too overwhelmed to do anything. Her body quivers with anger that is slowly boiling inside of her.

She puts on a fake smile and squeezes him in her arms.

"Why didn't you stay at the house where I knew you were safe?" He asks, only partially regretting what he said

"...what?" She growls, her face showing her anger very clearly

"Don't be mad. I only wanted to keep you safe. I don't want anything to hurt you, baby." He says, stepping forward a caressing her jaw in his hand.

If it were anyone besides Ace, they wouldn't even listen to what he says and just fall into a trance at his handsomeness. The boy looked like a model. His body sculpted perfectly, his hair framing his face perfectly, his eyes perfectly blue and sharp. Even his voice was perfect.

But this is Ace. She can see right through him.

"That was you? You were the one that put me in the damn coffin!? I SPRAINED MY FUCKING KNEE BECAUSE OF YOU!" Ace begins to go off, screaming her lungs out and waving her hands around as she shouts

The man grabs her hand out of the air and pulls her in for a kiss. Ace freezes, stopping herself from pushing away and slapping him. She doesn't dare kiss back.

"At first I thought you were dead. But if you weren't, if made sure you were near a house to stay in. Think about it, all the food was there and everything you needed. I'm glad you hurt your knee, so you can stay here and I can ensure your safety."

The man stares down at her, being only a few inches taller than her. He was much shorter than 10k, however. Ace was a little afraid of this man.

"Liar." She growls, ripping her hand away

He places his hands on her blood soaked hips. "You know I would never lie to you."

Ace sighs to herself, 'this means nothing to me.' She promises herself.

She smiles slightly, it looked real to him but deep down she knew it was fake.

"I can't believe you're alive, Rick." She smiles

He flashes his perfect teeth at her, lifting her into the air with ease and spinning her around. Ace wraps her hands around his hips and he holds her up.

"I'm not going anywhere, baby." He smirks.

Hunger is clear in his eyes as he stares down at her. Sure enough, he sits her down on the hood of the car, immediately attacking her neck.

She drops her fake smile and her mind immediately turns away from him. Her mind trails over to 10k. Oh god, how guilty she feels. She wants to run to him and sob in his arms, hoping so desperately he will forgive her for this.

But then again...


The Black Rainbow slowly begins to swallow the sky until it's nothing but darkness. Ace falls to her knees in defeat, sighing and wanting so badly to just give up.

She looks to her left to watch Sarge fall onto 10k and beginning the most sloppy, disgusting, and heated make out session ever. From Ace's perspective, 10k was clearly kissing back.

She is too defeated to even care at this point. Instead, she stares at the sky until darkness consumes her completely.

-end of flashback-

Rick stops attacking her neck. He looks into her eyes and worry overlooks his face.

"What's wrong?" He asks, using his finger under her chin to make her look at him.

"It's nothing." She smiles. "I'm just thinking about someone I lost. He was very dear to me."

Ace notices Rick's jaw twitch at the mention of another male.

"I'm here for you. But they're gone. As sad as it is, there's nothing we can do about it."

Something inside of Ace goes of. Something about what he said was definitely not right.

"I guess your right." She sighs. "Hey, where can I get clothes? I'm kind of covered in blood right now."

Rick chuckles lightly and pulls her to her feet.

"There's a town nearby. I'm sure there's a clothing store." He suggests

"Perfect. I'll meet you there." She smiles, kissing his cheek

Ace turns away.

"Before you go, gimme your guns." He says, sounding rather aggressive and serious


"I said give me your guns." He repeated himself

Ace it taken back by his mood change but hands over her guns anyway.

He loads her magazines with bullets. "Gotta make sure you stay safe." He smiles

Ace smiles back and immediately turns away, having so many flashbacks at once. All the times his mood switched like a lightbulb switch.

I assume it's a good time for a backstory...Rick and Ace has dated back in high school. He fell in love with her but she thought it was just a high school relationship, soon to be over by summer. But that wasn't the case. Rick has his issues. Anger issues, dramatic mood swings, and impulsive disorder. All around an explosive man just waiting to be set off. Every time a man you so much as look at Ace the wrong way, he would attack that man. He would yell at Ace when she did something he didn't like. Ace never thought anything of it, thinking it was all his mental issues so she just went along with it. All until she joined the army. From then on, she never saw him until today.

Ace gets on her motorcycle and speeds off down the road, trying her best to lose him.

An eerie feeling sits in her stomach. Why is he coming back now, immediately after 10k died?

She puts two and two together.

'...wait...if Rick put me in that tomb...and 10k's skeleton was in well as his gun...'

Ace growls to herself and swerves the bike so it drifts to a stop. Ace climbs off the bike before it can stop and the bike tips onto its side, sliding down the road.

Ace pulls out her gun, listening to a car speeding around a corner in the road. She lifts her gun right as the car turns the corner.

It grows closer

And closer

and closer...

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