Chapter 22 🙁

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Justin's pov:

I wake up to no Raegan beside me. I sit up on his bed and rub my eyes, adjusting to the light from the window pooring in. Where is he?

"Just leave him alone!" I hear yelling from down the hall. It's Raegan.

"I didn't do anything."

"He told me what you did! He's my boyfriend not yours. You made him cry you selfish asshole."

I get up from his bed and go to the door to open it. I go down the hall following the talking and yelling. It's coming from Max's room of course. I knock on the door and it becomes silent.

"It's justin." I say loud enough so they can here. The door opens and reveals Raegan. I walk in but he pulls me closer to him so I'm not close to Max.

"Never come near him again." Rae says looking straight at Max.

"How do you know he didn't like it?" Max asks.

"Are you fucking serious!?" Rae practically yells letting go of me and getting in Max's face.

"Because he's my boyfriend and he loves me. Also because he was crying after you basically tried to make a move on him."

"Rae you need to chill it was not like that." Max says.

"I think other wise."

"Guys stop. This is stupid!" I say.

"You're right this is stupid. We can end this discussion as long as you stay away from him. He doesn't like you." Raegan says. Max keeps quiet as they both look deep into each other's eyes.

Before this gets out of hand, I step in and get between them. I try my best to push Raegan back a little. He still has his eyes on Max.

"Max if your ass ever comes near him again, you'll be sorry. Understood?"

Again, Max doesn't say anything. He just continues to stare.

"Come on Rae let's go." I say but he ignores me.

"Understood!?" Rae yells trying to get Max to answer him.

I put my hands on his chest and look up at him, he still has his eyes on Max.

"Babe. Stop. Let's go." I say as if I'm serious. He still doesn't move a muscle. It seems like his eyes have a lock on them.

He finally allows me to push him back. We get out of the room and I shut the door. Rae gets away from me and goes into his room, I follow behind.

"Thank you Rae." I say.

"For what? I didn't do anything, you wouldn't let me."

"What were you going to do? He's your friend!" I ask.

"No, he's not if he's not going to stay away from you. He's being a dick."

"Raegan stop, yelling at him like that was not necessary." I tell him.

"You want me to protect you right? That's what I'm doing! What else do you want me to do?" He yells.

"I don't want you to yell at your friend like that over me. You two can't fight over me!"

"I was trying, but you wouldn't let me. So what is it? Did you like what he was going to do to you? Do you want him?" He yells.

"What is wrong with you? I don't like Max at all." I say.

"Then the next time he touches you, he's dead."

"Your acting stupid Rae."

"This is what I'm talking about! You don't want me to touch him? Why?"

"Becuase he's your friend. He's one of the people who saved you and helped you when you got abandoned here. Don't you understand that? The next time he tries something on me I will handle it, because cleary you can't." I say.

"This is such bullshit! I want to protect you, let me!" He yells.

"Stop yelling, please. I don't want to ruin your friendhip with him. This can't be all because of me."

"Well it is alright! Man what fucking part don't you understand Justin?"
My eyes fill with tears as I look at him. I turn and run out of his room slamming the door. What's his fucking problem? I didn't do anything.  I just don't want to ruin a 4 year friendship between them. He doesn't understand that.

I get in my room and shut the door. I wipe my tears but more just keep coming. I sit on my bed and cry into my hands. There is knock on my door.

"Go away!" I yell.

"It's Dean, can I come in?"

"I guess."

The door opens and Dean comes in shutting the door again. He comes over to me and sits next to me. He rubs my back.

"What happened?"

"Raegan is acting wierd. He keeps yelling at me and telling me I'm the one who is ruining him and Max's friendship." I tell him. He sighs.

"Kid, you still gotta learn a little about Rae. He has a hot temper. When he's mad, he doesn't think about what he's saying, he just sayd it. And with this whole Max situation, he's just protective about you. I see the way you two look at each other, he cares about you so much. He loves you so much."

"I know, and I love him too. I don't like when he yells at me though."

"I understand, I wouldn't either. Give him some time." He says. I nod.

"Thanks Dean." I say and hug him. He hugs back.

"No problem, I'll go talk to him. I'll come back in a little."

"Ok." I say. He walks out and shuts the door again. I pull out my phone and go through Instagram.

He didn't need to yell at me like that.  Right? I want everyone to get along in this house. Max is a big part of Raegan's life. Mostly because he's one of the boys who did save his life. He helped him. They are good friends. I didn't ruin that and I'm not going to. He's just being stupid at the moment. I don't want to talk to him until he's back to the Raegan I know.

So um, I was kinda pissed because I wrote like 500 words but then they deleted. So I had to write it again, and I think the first one was better. Oh well. Hope you all enjoyed 😋

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