Chapter 30 😓

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Justin's pov:

A little time skip to 5 days after Dean introduced us to his girlfriend. She comes over a lot but really doesn't talk to anyone but Dean. She would look at Rae and smile a few which I'm not very fond of but oh well.

Rae and I are in his room right now. He's laying with his head against the headboard and I'm laying the opposite way. His feet are at my head and my head are at his feet. He has his hand on butt, but not in a sexual way. I'm scrolling through Instagram and he must be doing the same, he obvously doesn't need two hands at the moment.

My phone freezes for a second and I wait. The calling screen comes up with a random number. I sit up and look at Raegan.

"People can still call me?" I ask.

"I guess. Answer it." He says and shrugs.

I slide finger across the phone and put it up to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask to the person calling me.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Who is this?" I ask back. I'm not telling them who I am before I know who they are.

"Justin, is this you? It's damon." My mouth drops and I freeze.

"Who is it?" Raegan whispers to me.

I quickly get off the bed and hold up a finger to Raegan. He nods confused. I get out of the room and shut the door, going down the hall a little.

"Damon? What the fuck?"

"Justin, listen. I know where you are. I'm coming with your mom asap."

"What? what no!" I shout.

"Why? Justin don't you want to see your family and friends again?"

"Of course I do Damon but-" I take a deep breathe and try to calm down.

"I don't want to leave here."

"You're not spending your whole life there Justin. I'll be there tomorrow."

"Damon no!"

"I don't care what you say!" He yells through the phone. I just stay quite.

"Bye Justin. See you tomorrow."

"Wait Damon?"


"Don't bring the cops, whatever you do." I tell him.

"Only if you don't tell that other boy we are coming."

"Ok ok deal."

"Bye." He says and hangs up. Shit.

I go back into Raegan's room and he looks at me.

"Who was it?" He asks.

"Wrong number." I say.

"But I heard you yelling."

"They are being an asshole, whoever they were." I say.

"O-ok." He says unsure. I get next to him and hug his neck, digging my head in his chest.

I'm scared. Will I get taken away from him? Will I never see him again? No. No no no. That is no reason to be scared. No one will ever take me away from him.

"Are you okay baby?" He asks. I pick up my head.

"Uh yeah why?" I ask.

"Your kind of breathing heavily and shaking." He says.

"Oh sorry. I'm just a little cold." I answer his question with a lie. He grabs his blanket on his bed and covers us. I smile.

It's around 8 o'clock at night right now. I'm a little tired. Not that much. I'm so nervous. I really, honestly am not ready to see my mom after so long. Or anyone really. I'm just not ready.

Morning. 10 o'clock•

"Babe wake up." Rae says shaking me.

"Noo." I groan.

"I have Dunkin Donuts."

"*gasps* really?"

"Yup. You can only get it if you get downstairs in 10 seconds." He says.

"Babbyyyy." I whine.

"10..." He starts. I jump out of bed and run downstairs as fast as I can, going to the kitchen. I sit down and catch my breathe.

"The fuck?" They all laugh.

Raegan comes in the room laughing his ass off. He sits down next to me.

"I told him to make it down in 10 seconds or else no Dunkin Donuts for him."

"So how'd I do?"I ask.

"11 seconds."

"Shut the fuck up!" I say.

"I'm kidding." He laughs. I hit his arm.

We all eat, talking and laughing about random stuff. It almost made me forget about what's happening today. But nope, nothing is going to get that out of my head. What will happen? How will Rae react? How will my mom react?

"Ok, so me and Justin will just hang out here for the day." Raegan says.

"Wait what?" Shit, I didn't even hear them.

"Didn't you hear Dean?"

"Umm no, I wasn't listening." I admit.

"They are going to a few stores and won't be home for the day." He says.

"Oh ok."

We all finish eating and Dean, Eddie, John, and Max all leave. I watch as they drive away. I feel arms around my waist. I smile a little and lean my head back.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

"Yea." I tell him. As I saw that a car pulls in the driveway. Shit! I move back a little and close the front door.

"What's wrong?" He asks me. I wanted to lie, but literally they are right outside. I can't lie.

"Umm..." Fuck I'm scared. A car horn can be heard from outside.

"What was that?" He asks.

"Nothing." I say. He looks at me confused and moves me out of the way. He opens the door and walks outside. I go outside also and get in front of him.

Damon and my mom come out of the car. Damon crosses his arms. My mom though, she opens her arms and starts crying. I run up to her and hug her as tight as I can. I start crying too.

"Baby you're okay thank God." She says. She pulls away and holds my shoulders, looking at me.

"I'm fine mom." She smiles through her tears and hugs me again.

"Who is that boy over there? Is he the one who kidnapped you?" She whispers to me. I nod. She walks past me towards him. Before she gets to him, I run to Raegan and stand in front of him.

"Justin, move." She says seriously. She seems mad.

"No. You are not touching him."

Cliffhanger woops. It always makes the next chapter more interesting tho am I right 😂 I have an hour before practice after school so I'll write and try my best to publish 😊❤hope you enjoyed.

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