CHAPTER 1: Homecoming

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{What a misleading title hehe}

Carefully placing one foot in front of the other, you tried to make your way across the street, covered with a thin layer of snow. You approached the mega-mart (food store) and looked for your coach.

"Y/n!" you heard the masculine voice of your coach call. You spun around to find yourself facing the coach of your volleyball team.

"Coach Zinworth!" you greeted each other and you were suddenly handed a blue/white bucket, your school colors. Assigned to the youngest cashier, you found it easy to bond over pop culture references as you bagged people's groceries.

A dollar at a time, your bucket began to fill with funds for the Jackson High School Volleyball team.

"Thank you! Have a nice day!" poured out of your mouth every time you saw a dollar fall into the bucket.

After a while, you noticed something odd about the items you were bagging. It was just a bunch of chocolate pudding!

You ignored the weird purchase and continued to bag, your head low. You placed the final bag into the metal cart and recited one more time: "Thank you! Have a nice day!"

"Aw, that's all I get, y/l/n?" you heard a goofy giggle. The voice was warm and familiar.

When you looked up you recognized the curly brown hair immediately.

When you looked up you recognized the curly brown hair immediately

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"Gaten!" you rushed to him with your arms open. You wrapped your arms around him tightly in a bear hug. "I can't believe it! You're back in Jersey?"

His remaining teeth sparkled in his cute smile. "Yeah! We just finished filming season 3 of Stranger Things."

"Oh - my -god! You have to tell me everything! Please, Gaten? Pretty please?" You were desperate. Your favorite show was Stranger Things, not only because your best friend was in it, but also because it starred your celebrity crush: Finn Wolfhard.

"No, y/n! You know I can't do that," he nudged my shoulder playfully. "Are you done? We can go hang out at my house for a little and catch up!"

The offer was tempting, but I knew I was supposed to keep bagging groceries. If I left, my coach would definitely make me run laps next practice.

Was it worth it?


{Sorry this was kind of slow, but it's to set up for the whole story ya know? ANYWAYS, thanks for reading!}

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