CHAPTER 4: The Hobo

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{This is like a few days later and y'all have been bonding and all. Especially you and Millie.}

You woke up to the sound of rapid fire text messages. You looked over at your phone with hatred. On a usual school day, you'd get up an hour after this.

The phone wouldn't stop. That annoying *ding* kept going off every nanosecond.

"SHUT UP!" you screamed into your pillow before deciding to look at your phone.

137 new text messages from Mills :)

Millie? What the hell?

All of the messages consisted of different variations of your name, but in begging form.

Mills :)

what could you possibly want at FOUR FUCKING AM?!

Mills :)
well we watched a scary movie last night so I'm scared, but ANYWAYS wanna go golfing tonight with us @ 5?

Millie, I have volleyball...

Mills :)
can you skip it this once? for me? or... for Finn???? he's gonna be there ;)

tempting... but I really can't.

You put your phone back on the bedside table and shut your eyes, replaying scenarios in your head of you and Finn. His dopey grin, his shimmering eyes, his messy hair - you adored everything about him.

Then you got another text.

"Millie, I swear to the flying spaghetti monster..." you began to say different slurs and curse words. Just as you were about to put your phone on "do not disturb" you noticed who the text was from:  Finn.

Finnlard !!
Hey, can I drive you to school?

Well I would be absolutely HONORED to be driven to my place of education by the ONE, the ONLY FINN WOLFHARD!

Finnlard !!
You should be :) see you in 10.


You hopped out of your bed, realizing how quickly you had to get ready.

You decided on a cute, yet comfortable outfit and tied your hair into a messy bun. Who were you trying to impress?

Finn Wolfhard, that's who.

As you heard the doorbell ring and you made your way to the door, you immediately regretted your outfit

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As you heard the doorbell ring and you made your way to the door, you immediately regretted your outfit.

You could imagine the look of disgust on Finn's face when he sees you.

Enough is enough. You flipped the locks on your door and swung it open to reveal Finn, smiley as ever.

"Whoa..." he looked you up and down, then fixated on your face.

You blushed. He was just being polite. "Shut up," you punched his shoulder. "I look like a freaking hobo."

"A pretty cute hobo..." he tried to whisper under his breath, but you heard.

You chuckled, and he looked flustered, realizing you heard him.

"Shall we?" he extended his arms out and slid to the side, like a butler. It was adorable.

You nodded and walked past Finn and towards his Mercedes. As soon as the car turned on, indie music started playing, your favorite. You started bopping your head and singing along.

"You have a good taste in music, y/n. And you're a pretty damn good singer," Finn exclaimed. He looked over to see your embarrassed reaction.

"You're not so bad yourself, Wolfhard."

As he parked in the school parking lot, his head perked up. "I just remembered, uh, are you going golfing with us tonight?" His face looked hopeful.

I couldn't say no to that face. That perfect face.

You smiled, "Absolutely."

{I wrote this as I was at a golfing place and it was really fun. I kept imagining it in the story to here we go.}

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