CHAPTER 2: Spinning

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"Wait... WHAT?" you started to choke on your popcorn.

Gaten couldn't help himself. He began to cackle at your misery.

Once you compose yourself, you punched his arm. "Shut up! Are they really going to visit?"

"Yeah! And I think Finn is inviting the It cast."

You almost fainted. The thought of being surrounded by the casts of your favorite television show AND movie made you feel queasy.

"Whoa, y/n, calm down! It isn't like Obama is coming or anything!" Gaten joked, knowing you'd be reminded that he had actually met Obama.

You groaned in annoyance. He was your best friend, but did he have to be so agitating? Being an only child, you could only guess this is what having a sibling was like.

You wanted - no - needed all the facts. "When are they coming? And for how long?"

Now Gaten was getting annoyed with you. "Yikes, aren't you obsessed?" You crossed your arms and stared at him, refusing to respond until he answered your question. "Fine, they're actually getting to the airport in two hours and they're staying in two rental houses for 5 months. Wanna go pick them up at the airport?"

Your jaw dropped. "Holy shit, is that even a question?"


Fiddling with your fingers and bouncing your leg, you anxiously waited outside the gate for the group of teenagers to arrive. Gaten noticed your disconcertment and placed his hand on your knee.

"They're going to love you, y/n," he smiled.


"Promise." {hehe got that reference??}

His hand remained on your leg until finally, an excited voice called out for Gaten. His head perked up and his eyes crinkled up with his smile. "Millie!" he jogged over to the group walking towards us.

You scanned them. You identified each one immediately. Yet, you couldn't spot three of them:  Wyatt, Jack, and...


Time stopped.

The sudden realization that you were about to meet Finn Wolfhard set in. Your mind started to swirl. It spiralled and you felt dizzy. As you began to lose balance you felt an arm wrap around your waist.

"Shit, watch out!" a tender voice warned from your side. They made sure you were stable and turned you towards them. Their hands were on your shoulders, their grip strong. As you began to focus on what was happening, you realized you were staring at their chest.

"Nirvana..." you slurred, reciting the band on their shirt.

"Yeah," they hesitated, "Nirvana."

You titled your head back so you could see their face. It was Finn. His curly, dark hair was in his worried face. Freckles scattered his pale skin.

 Freckles scattered his pale skin

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"You're tall..." you formed a dopey smile, making him giggle. All at once, you felt the Earth getting closer, your body slam against the linoleum floor, and people calling your name.

{Thanks for reading buds! I honestly think that this would happen to me if I met Finn... yikes}

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