CHAPTER 8: Consequences

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{I know you freaked out when you read that title.}

You dreaded school now. You were always bombarded with questions about Finn and the rest of your friends. People took random, off guard pictures of you. Your classmates who never made eye contact with you were trying to suddenly be friends.

At least you had Gaten.

He was there during lunch and anatomy to help lesson the load and shoo others away. But all you could wonder is how he dealt with it.

Today, however, he had a tutoring session during lunch. You had no one to actually talk to, other than the line of people waiting to ask you about your "relationship" with Finn. The thought of being in the cafeteria without Gaten at a time like this shook you to your core.

"So - " you heard from your side as soon as you sat at your table. You turned to face a tall, pretty blonde girl. She looked like a real-life barbie doll. She slid into the seat next to you and asked, "Are you and Finn together or can you, like, hook me up or something?" Her voice was high-pitched and nasally.

You slowly pulled out the sandwich you packed this morning. Slowly, but surely, you answered with a simple: "No."

She laughed. "To which one?" She leaned her head into her hand, anxiously waiting for you to answer.

Sighing, you replied, "Just... no." And you took a huge bite out of your sandwich.

"Ugh!" she screamed in frustration and stormed away.

Following her, there were mostly just people "getting to know" you. But, you knew what they really wanted. They just wanted to use you to get to your friends.

Eventually, you had enough and left lunch completely. You started to head for a school exit when you were cut off.

"Y/n." a stern voice called from behind you. Your whole body froze and started to slowly turn around. It was your coach.

You tried to act nonchalant, yet miserably failed. "Coach Zinworth! What a delight it is to see you!" You leaned against the lockers. At first you crossed your arms, but then unraveled them, thinking you looked too uptight.

"I'm very disappointed in you. Skipping practice, just to hang out with a boy?" He walked closer to you and rested a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry I have to do this, y/n, but you've missed too many practices. Based on your lack of commitment, I'm going to have to terminate your position on the team." His hand retreated and he turned around. As he began to walk away you heard him call out, "Put your uniform on my desk by Monday."

You were stuck in the awkward position of leaning against the lockers. You felt paralyzed. Why were you shocked? You knew this would happen. Once you felt a tear fall down your face, you ran out of the doors of the school and ran to the only place you could think of.


Once you reached Millie's rental home you pounded on the door, tears streaming down your face.

You hear the locks click and the door is swung open. Finn is standing on the other side, his bass swung onto his back. "Y/n?" he put his hand on your cheek and wiped your tears.

"Where's Millie?" You said, your voice breaking.

"She's out with Sadie and Noah. Come in, y/n," he pulled you by the hand into the huge foyer. As soon as you walked in you heard rock music playing, but Finn soon turned it off. He walked with you into the living room and slowly set his bass down on a stand. You sat on the sofa and immediately put your head into both hands. Finn soon joined you on the sofa, but instead started to rub your back comfortingly.

"What happened?" his voice sounded deeply concerned. Staring at the wall in front of you, you explained all that had happened to the best of your ability. You were cut off frequently by your own sniffles. Once you finished, Finn used his hand to guide your chin so you faced him. He stared into your eyes and you noticed how watery his eyes had turned. Then, he pulled you into a tight hug that seemed to last forever.

"I'm so sorry, y/n," he whispered. You heard his voice break. He was crying too.

You tightened your arms around his body and dug your face into his chest. The two of you stayed there, for what seemed like eternity, but even when it was over, you didn't want to let go.

{Aw poor you. and my poor bean started crying too at the end. how sad. hope you enjoyed!}

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