CHAPTER 7: Paparazzi

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Hours after the sunrise, you woke up again for the second time that day. This time, however, you woke up to the sound of your phone shaking and ringing violently, instead of Finn's comforting voice.

Reading your notifications, you saw that you had gained over a thousand followers. And when you opened your text messages, you saw an alarming message from Gaten.

Alli-GATEN :p
Y/n? Look on TMZ. You're all over it!

You opened safari as fast as possible. You typed in the famous celebrity news website and saw it. A picture of yours and Finn's silhouette in front of the rising sun plastered the front page.

" 'MYSTERY GIRL WATCHING ROMANTIC SUNRISE WITH IT AND STRANGER THINGS STAR FINN WOLFHARD' ?!" You screamed the title of the article back to yourself. You looked back at your instagram and read the comments of your latest post.

"I found her!"

"Are you and Finn dating?"

"Finn could do so much better."

"WTF how could Finn do this to his fans?"

You stared at your screen in disbelief. You tucked your phone into the pocket of your onesie and ran down to the kitchen.

"Late night?" Millie muttered, frying eggs on the stove. She sounded quite annoyed.

"I'm assuming you saw it," you slouched into a stool, feeling your phone vibrating in your pocket.

She sighed, "How could I not?" She began to violently scrape the bottom of the pan, getting every piece of egg that stuck. Her breath got heavy.

"Millie, are you okay?" you didn't like seeing her like this.

"I'm just aggravated. Not at you, but at Finn. He put you in the spotlight," she turned around and pointed at me with the spatula. "I'm so sorry, y/n, having the paparazzi watch your every move is just awful. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy and certainly not on you."

You nodded your head and checked your phone again. Your follower count kept rising by the hundreds.

"You might want to change a few settings on that. Getting a notification every second is pretty annoying," Millie laughed.

You heard rhythmic footsteps bouncing down the stairs. All of a sudden, Finn slid into the room like a rock star.

"Hey y/n," he came right to you and rested his head on the table, invested in staring at you.

"Hey y/n," he came right to you and rested his head on the table, invested in staring at you

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You blushed, "Hey - "

"Finn do you realize what you did?" Millie cut me off. She put her spatula down and grabbed Finn by the shirt, pulling him to an upright position. She stuck her pointer finger in his face and continued to scold him. After realizing his confusion, she finally asked, "Did you even check your phone since you woke up?"

Finn's brows furrowed. He ran back upstairs, which you assumed was to get his phone, and returned seconds later scrolling through instagram and other social media sites.

"Oh no," he looked up at you, puppy dog-eyed and all, "I'm so sorry, y/n. I never meant for this to happen." You didn't know what to say. Sure you knew it'd be different, but you didn't think it would be that awful to have the world know you.

"It's okay, Finn." You stood up and started caressing his messy bed-head. "I'll be alright."

And in that moment, you really thought you would be.

{I've been having so many ideas for this story and i'm so excited aaaah. Thanks for reading!!!}

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