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"I'm going to be in such deep shit," you held your head in your hands, complaining to Gaten during lunch.

Playing with his chocolate pudding, he tried to be optimistic, "It's not like you'll get in trouble with your coach. Not only does he love you, but you're like the best on the team!" His wild overstatement made you laugh.

You knew this wouldn't end well. If volleyball isn't your priority, you could lose playing time or get kicked off. Honestly, you saw yourself continuing volleyball for a long time. It's a major part of your life.

But so was Finn.

Not just Finn, but everyone. Millie and you were now best friends. You can't completely ignore her for volleyball, especially when there's a limited time of when you'll be together.

"Everything will sort itself out," Gaten reassured me.


You had an hour until everyone left for golf. You were super nervous, since the only golf experience you had was mini golf at the boardwalk when you were twelve. But this would be different. You had to whack the golf ball so it would land in targets that were hundreds of yards away. This was almost a perfect setup for your failure.

While freaking out inside about being humiliated in front of your new friends, you were also freaking out physically. You and Millie were tearing your room apart, looking for the best possible outfit for you to wear.

"We need something cute, for Finn to enjoy, yet something comfortable, so you can actually play," Millie thought out loud. The two of you searched through all of your clothes and a few of the things Millie brought from her house.

You held up a nike shirt. "This is it!"

Millie squealed and began to build an adorable outfit around the sweater.

Millie squealed and began to build an adorable outfit around the sweater

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"Finn will faint... just like you did!" she nudged you jokingly. It stung, but you'll have to get over it someday.


The giant group climbed into a sleek limo, as if their fame wasn't obvious enough, and turned the radio up full blast. The flashing lights on the inside of the limo added to the excitement.

"PARTY IN THE USA! HEEEEYYYYYYY! ITS A PARTY IN THE USA!" you, Millie, Noah, Gaten, and Sadie screamed with the song. Even though you were all way out of tune, no one cared, you were having fun.

"Millie, aren't you British?" Jeremy accused her, but soon began to laugh at her insane singing.

As you were jamming out, you looked to your right and noticed Finn staring at you and smiling. And you kept looking around the limo to see Wyatt and Jack doing the same.

"Looks like y/n has caught the eye of a few of the men here," Sophia winked at you

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"Looks like y/n has caught the eye of a few of the men here," Sophia winked at you.

Well, this will be fun.


The group split into two to play, since the sections were relatively small. However, everyone turned the sofas to face each other so you could talk to each other.

"Okay," Caleb announced, "only the coolest kids here, I'm talking about the Stranger Things kids. And the others over," he paused for emphasis, "there."

Everyone snickered at Caleb's dramatic demand, but followed them obediently. Millie called you over to sit with her and the rest of the Stranger Things cast. Not wanting to deal with whatever was going on with Wyatt and Jack, you quickly shuffled towards her.

Finn, caught in the middle, looked at both groups. He scanned the It group first, then when he looked over at your group, his eyes met yours. He smiled at you and nonchalantly made his way over.

"Hey," he said as he sat next to you.

"Once again, I am so honored to have been chosen to play golf with THE Finn Wolfhard." You said sarcastically.

He chuckled and picked up a menu, skipping right to the dessert options.

"Right down to business, huh?" you made fun of him.

He responded with a facial expression that said 'of course.'

"Y/n, you're up first!" Millie exclaimed. Of course she'd like to see you make a fool out of yourself. You grabbed a club from the rack and slowly walked past the line that "only one person at a time shall cross," according to the sign next to it. You placed the golf ball down and lined up the club with it. You winded back and -

"SWING AND A MISS!" you heard from behind you as you proceeded to swing the club forward. You looked out in front of you, expecting to see a white, flying figure in the distance, but there was nothing. Hearing giggling, you looked at the golf ball on the ground, completely unchanged, and then back at your group. They saw you miss the entire ball.

"Who said it?" you demanded.

Finn's face had turned rose red, showing his guilt.

"Finn Wolfhard, you little weasel!" you held the club up and went after him.


You spun your head to the left. A middle aged woman dressed like an employee had caught you red handed.

"Oh, I-I-I'm so sorry, ma'am. I was just kidding. I h-had no intention of harming him, I s-swear." You felt your palms begin to sweat with guilt.

The lady sighed and kept walking. You assume she either had better things to do, or she simply didn't care for her job.

"Nice going, y/n. You're gonna get us kicked out!" Jack yelled from the other group. You stuck your tongue out at him and turned to put the club away.

"Man, golfing really isn't your thing," Finn smirked.

"Man, golfing really isn't your thing!" you mocked him.

He laughed and walked up for his turn to golf.

Damn Finn Wolfhard.

{this is super long!!! i didn't know if i wanted to split the parts up but i decided not to. hope you enjoyed!}

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