CHAPTER 3: Crush

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"She's waking up!" a delicate voice yelled.

"Finally!" someone said jokingly.

"Y/n? Y/n, can you hear me?" It was Gaten.

You blinked rapidly and groaned, the light was overwhelming. "Gaten?" you questioned. Your hands started wandering for anything that would give you a sense of where you were.

Your hand wrapped around something warm and soft. You looked down and identified it as a hand. You followed the arm to see that you were holding Finn's hand. You blushed and smiled.

Slowly pulling your hand away, you examined the room you were in. You were on a comfy sofa across from a lighted fireplace with a flatscreen TV placed above it.

 You were on a comfy sofa across from a lighted fireplace with a flatscreen TV placed above it

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Noticing your confusion, Gaten explained, "This is the house they rented."

"How are you feeling?" the delicate voice from before asked from above the couch. It was Millie, slowly caressing your hair.

"I think I'm okay," you stated, sitting up. The entire group of teen celebrities was staring you down. You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, trying to distract yourself from the embarrassment of fainting in front of your idols.

"Come on," Millie helped you to your feet. "Let's take a walk and grab a bite to eat."

"Uh - okay."


You chomped on the glazed donut, the flavors overwhelming your taste buds. You loved donuts, more than anything else in your life.

"You enjoying that?" Millie giggled, seeing your intense moment with the donut. "Anyways, y/n, I want to get to know you! Gaten said he thinks we'll make great friends!"

 "Anyways, y/n, I want to get to know you! Gaten said he thinks we'll make great friends!"

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Hesitant, you started to open up to Millie. And she began to open up to you as well. However, she refused to spoil anything for the next season of Stranger Things, no matter how much you begged her. Then, she started to ask you about what had happened at the airport.

"Well, you can imagine how starstruck I was! I was meeting my idols AND my crush! ... wait," you realized what you said.

"Crush?!" Millie squealed.

"Uh- I ne-never s-said tha-t-t!" you stuttered almost every word.

"I know bullshit when I hear it!" Millie exclaimed, sticking her chest out and crossing her arms with pride.

"Fine! I have a crush!" you sighed, surrendering to her constant pestering.

She smiled, content with her work. "Can I guess who?" You didn't respond. "It's Finn, isn't it?" she threw her hands in the air, adding to the drama. You dumped your head into your hands and exhaled in agony.

"You can't tell anyone! Please, Millie," you begged and sunk back into your seat.

"I won't, y/n. You can trust me," she placed her hand over yours on the table, rubbing the surface with her thumb.

From that point, you knew you were in deep shit.


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