CHAPTER 14: I'm Sorry

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You sat patiently on the sofa, waiting for Wyatt to come back from the restroom so you could watch Star Wars Empire Strikes Back. The house was empty, to your knowledge, and Wyatt just wanted company. Everyone was doing their own thing, whether it was working or just hanging out.

While you were waiting, you heard the front door open. You thought nothing of it. Maybe Sophia was back with Sadie and Millie. They had gone to the mall for therapeutic shopping. You expected them to run right to you to show off their new items. But no one ran.

All of a sudden you heard a loud thud behind you, forcing you to spin around out of instinct. In the archway of the living room you saw it. You saw him. It was Finn.

"Oh-" you muttered

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"Oh-" you muttered. You examined his face. He looked upset, yet content at the same time. You looked at his feet and saw his bass on the floor. It must have been the thud. It was slightly broken now.

"Your bass..." you pointed to it, but his eyes stayed locked on yours. "I'm sorry," you apologized, feeling guilty about everything.

You heard a third voice from the staircase. "What are you sorry for?" Turning your head, you realized it was Wyatt returning from the restroom. When he reached the bottom step and looked up, he understood.

Finn looked even more hurt as he looked from Wyatt and back to you. Somewhat breaking the tension, Wyatt walked over to you and wrapped his arm around your waist.

"Wyatt, what are you-" you whispered, not seeing how that could help the situation.

Your eyes met Finn's again and instead of hurt, he looked completely devastated. He looked broken. You saw his eyes start to tear up, but before a drop could fall, he picked up the remains of his bass and stormed up the stairs.

You stood motionless, feeling empty. Wyatt's arm slowly retreated from your waist and he sat on the couch.

"Y/n, come on lets watch the movie," he invited you warmly. He didn't seem phased at all.

You sat next to him and wrapped yourself in a fluffy blanket. As the opening screen crawl quickly passed, you lied down on a pillow, your feet towards Wyatt. He watched the movie intensely, but you were still thinking about Finn.

By the end of the movie, you had dug your face into the pillow and began to silently cry.

{I just saw the Greatest Showman and the songs are stuck in my head ahhhh}

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