CHAPTER 9: Privacy

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You woke up to the feeling of hands running through your hair. Scanning your surroundings, you see the comforting fireplace of the rental home. You turn your head to see Finn's chiselled face, propped up on his arm.

"Good morning y/n," he whispered, his voice tender.

You dug your head into the couch cushions and continued to enjoy Finn's relaxing head rubs. You could stay here for hours.

But the moment ended shortly when you heard snickering from a room over. Your head perked up to look above the couch and your eyes fixated on the tops of heads peering over the kitchen counters.

"Guys..." you sighed, sitting up and patting down your messy hair. You felt your cheeks turning a rosy pink. As you began to stand up, you felt something stopping you. You looked down to see Finn's hand gripped your wrist. His eyes glistened at you, begging for you to stay. You smirked and walked over to the kitchen.

Millie began to giggle and caused a chain of laughter throughout the group. Reaching past her to grab a glass, Millie stepped in front of it, blocking you.

"So..." she winked awkwardly.

" she winked awkwardly

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"So..." you mocked her and folded your arms across your chest.

She rolled her eyes and let you pass. Sadie and Sophia began pulled Millie towards them and the three began whispering, most likely about you.

You filled the glass with orange juice and wandered back to the living room, plopping yourself on the sofa Finn was not on. You looked over and saw him sigh in disappointment. You took a sip of orange juice to hide your grin.

Millie strolled over, followed by the pack. She sat next to you and couldn't wipe a giddy smile off her face. You looked at everyone in the group, but you paused on Wyatt, who seemed off. You caught yourself staring, trying to figure out the root of his problem. He looked at you and blushed. Quickly, you moved your eyes away and continued to sip your orange juice.

"We're going to the mall tomorrow, y/n," Millie nudged you. "You should come." Her face transformed into one of a puppy. How could you refuse?



You snapped out of a daydream about Finn. Turning your head, you realized you were walking alongside Millie at your town's mall. After a few moments, you noticed a certain someone's absence: Finn.

As you taped Millie's small shoulder you questioned, "Where's Finn?" You continued to look frantically, as if he'd magically show up.

She laughed. "You really don't pay attention! I told you, he had to fly back to Vancouver for a week for his band." You felt your heart sink. Probably noticing, Millie reassured you, "He'll be back soon, don't worry."

You couldn't help but feel empty. You looked forward to spending as much time as possible with him, yet he's gone now. And he didn't even tell you.

Caught up in your emotions, you stopped paying attention. You were so oblivious, you tripped over your own feet and onto the person next to you. You ended up pinning Wyatt against a wall, faces two inches apart.

"Oh-" he muttered, staring at you.

"I'm - so - I'm so sorry," you felt frozen.

All of a sudden, you heard the sound of an iPhone camera clicking. Your head spun to see random girls taking pictures and videos of what was happening.

"Y/n, move!" Millie scream/whispered, concerned about how public those pictures would turn out to be.

You straightened out your outfit and walked back over to Millie. You felt nauseous. You knew how quickly those pictures would spread. And how soon Finn would have access to them.


Everyone retreated back to the car shortly. Throughout the entire car ride, you apologized to Wyatt thousands of times.

"He enjoyed it! Stop apologizing!" Sophia blurted. Wyatt looked at his feet, uncomfortable. You just wanted to go home and scream into your pillow.


Millie made sure to go home with you and sleep over. She wanted to make sure that if anyone decided to share the picture, that she would be by your side. You were relieved to have such a good friend.

Sure enough, as you two were watching 10 Things I Hate About You, your phone, and even her's, started to ring violently. You both were being tagged and mentioned in various pictures and tweets.

You were the subject of all of them. Mostly, the content included It and Stranger Things fans criticizing you.

What a weasel! My poor baby Finn must be heartbroken! Don't worry! I'm here for you!

Damn, she's a real hoe.

I HATE her.

Finn AND Wyatt deserve better.

Watch out, Jack!

Hide your sons.

Tears began to stream down your face as you read through the various hate comments on your tagged photos and your own pictures. You began to contemplate aloud whether you should turn off commenting or not.

"Don't. It'll show that it doesn't get to you. You won't have much privacy for a long time now that you're in our group, but they have to stop soon. " Millie rubbed your back as she scrolled through the posts regarding you.

"When will that be?" You managed to say, despite your weak, breaking voice.

She sighed, "I don't know, sweetie."

You just feared what Finn's reaction would be when he sees what happened.

{Sorry it's been a while since I updated. I surprisingly had a life this past week and the only time I could write was on the bus and Christmas Eve so...}

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