CHAPTER 25: Too Late

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You two decided to meet at his rental house to avoid the public eye. You chose to walk, despite the chilly air outside. You needed time to think.

What were you going to say? Hey thanks for making me feel like shit? I still love you though! No. That's dumb. You have to stand your ground. Show him no mercy.

Before you knew it, you were face to face with the front door of his house. Deep breaths y/n, you told yourself. You can do this. You slowly raised your hand and pushed the doorbell. The chime echoed throughout the house. After a few moments, you saw a figure through the glass pane run to the door.

The door aggressively swung open to reveal Jack in his pajamas. "Heeellloooo, y/n!" he grinned. By his raspy voice and unkempt hair, you could tell he'd just woken up.

You giggled, "Jack, it's 4:00." His eyes widened as he looked at his phone in his hand.

"Oh shit, you're right. Anyways, what do you want?" he leaned against the door frame and ran his hand through his hair. You always liked his hair, but it was nothing in comparison to Finn's beautiful, curly mess.

Your voice dropped in volume, "Is Finn here?" You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly before shoving both hands in your hoodie pocket.

Jack nodded his head and led you into the house. He brought you around the kitchen, through the living room, and up to the back door. Through the glass, you could see Finn patiently waiting on a blanket in the back yard. He was twiddling his thumbs like a little kid. I made you smile.

No. Stop it. Stand your ground.

You thanked Jack and took a deep breath before sliding the door open. The door made a loud squeak as it opened, alerting Finn of your presence.

"Hi," he half-smiled when you sat across from him on the blanket. You just nodded at him with a straight face, trying to look stern and unforgiving. Seeing your coldness made Finn frown. "I'm s-"

"What? Sorry?" you yelled, unable to hear the rest of his apology. Your sudden burst forced Finn to keep his mouth shut, afraid to upset you even more. "Sorry is not fucking good enough. To even think for one second that I actually could be something to you. That I could love you. But no. You lead me on to think that you felt the same. I can't believe I fell for it. I can't believe I fell for you." You pointed your finger in his face to emphasize 'you,' letting the word simmer in the air. He couldn't look you in the eyes. He just looked at the ground as a tear rolled down his cheek. Seeing that made you realize the waterfall pouring from your eyes. You wiped all of your tears with your sleeve and sniffled before taking a deep breath to compose yourself. You still looked at him with your stone cold face.

"B-bu-but," you heard Finn stutter in between sniffles. He looked up at you with puffy, red eyes. His hand cupped the side of your face. "But, I love you." His words stung.

You slapped his hand away and stood up. "Too late," you hissed and walked away, leaving him with the same empty feeling that you'd been feeling for the last four days.

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