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"Y/n," Finn cooed sweetly as he peeked into your bedroom.

Groaning, your head perked up from its prior comfy position. You saw him creep in with a tray full of your favorite breakfast items. The smell invaded your nose and danced on your tongue. "You made me breakfast?" you said in your groggy morning voice.

Then you saw that smile that you've adored for so long. "We all did," he turned and motioned for the rest of the chefs to walk in.

Two pairs of small, ungrateful feet waddled in. Your two beautiful children.

The oldest one, Jaxon (5 years old), tugged the hand of his little sister, Naomi (3 1/2 years old), as they took hopped onto the bed and snuggled up next to you. You placed warm kisses on top of each of their foreheads.

"Thank you," you mouthed to Finn as he handed you the tray. Right before he was about to stand up straight, you pulled him by the shirt collar and smashed your lips against his, earning looks of disgust from your children.

After your kiss, the four of you shared a moment of pure laughter. You watched the faces of the people you loved most in the most beautiful way possible. You were surrounded by unfeigned joy.

"I love you so much," you blurted to them, calming everyone down.

The two children exclaimed, "We love you too, Mommy," in synchronization. It was like music to your ears.

Finn stole a piece of bacon from your plate, but before you could scold him, he hopped off the bed. Excitedly, he messed up the hair on both kids and announced, "Come on, kiddos, we gotta get ready! Guess who we're going to see today?" He placed his hand on his hips. You were convinced he was more pumped than the five and three year old.

You were proven wrong. The two kids began to bounce violently on the bed as they shouted random answers.

"Grammy and Pops?"


"Uncle Jaeden and Aunt Lilia?"


Finn over exaggerated as he shook his head and went "tsk, tsk." Soon enough, Jaxon and Naomi were out of names. They looked to each other for help, but had no such luck.

You giggled, "I'm a little disappointed! I expected you to get it on the first try!" Jaxon and Naomi furrowed their brows in confusion. You found it absolutely adorable.

"We are going to see...." Finn pretended to do a drum roll on the bed, "Auntie Millie!" He added jazz hands at the end for obvious reasons. God, you were so in love with him.

Naomi almost fell off of he bed in excitement. She and Millie have always had a special connection. Jaxon was thrilled, too, but he would much rather go to Jack's or Caleb's.

Finn ushered the kids out of your room and shut the door behind them. He turned to face you, still with a smile from what had just happened. Finn shuffled over and cupped your face in his hands.

"I love you so fucking much, y/n," he grinned.

You blushed, "I love you more, but not as much as I love those two little monsters." You motioned to the door. The very idea that you created their lives was unfathomable to you.

Finn sat next to you on the king-sized bed as you began to dig into your meal. For someone who finds a way to burn cereal (yes he did that when you two had first gotten married) and two toddlers, the meal wasn't half bad. But you believed that it was who made it that added the richest flavor to it.

You turned to look at Finn. You found him staring at you with complete adoration. And you both, in that moment, remembered the sunrise. You remembered sitting on that hillside in your onesie next to the man you would one day marry. You sighed at your adolescent innocence.

And then, once again, Finn Wolfhard made you swoon.

"Beautiful," he whispered, captivated by you.

{read the next chapter please!}

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