CHAPTER 19: Confrontation

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{WARNING: There is a very bad no-no word towards the end of this don't yell at me plz}

You woke up to your phone ringing wildly. You shot straight up out of bed at the noise. You looked around the room for your friends but there was no sight of them.

"Maybe they texted me where they went," you thought out loud. So, you checked your phone, but had no such luck. However, when you checked your Instagram, you saw why your phone was ringing.

There were various comments calling you names and accusing you of ending the friendship between Wyatt and Finn. In your tagged photos, you saw screenshots of Wyatt unfollowing Finn's account.

"You have got to be kidding me!" you yelled as you grabbed an outfit from the closet and began to get ready. It was time for a confrontation.

You decided to wear a cute outfit. Well, maybe not cute. It was leaning more towards hot. It wasn't too out there, though, since it was cold in New Jersey and you didn't want to freeze to death. You did want to make a statement, however.

You walked down the stairs and headed to the door, but you were stopped

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You walked down the stairs and headed to the door, but you were stopped.

"Y/n?" you looked up and saw Finn. He stared at your outfit. Then he looked back to the kitchen where the girls were sitting. They, too, stared at your outfit.

You tried to push your way past. "I have to go talk to Wyatt," you struggled around Finn. Once you got past him, he put his hands on your shoulders and then pulled you in so it hugged your waist from behind.

"You don't have to do anything, y/n. We're trying to figure out what to do right now," he said gently in your ear. Your legs grew weak at the sound of his voice.

You turned around, and he adjusted his hands so they could still rest on your waist. "Well do you have any solutions?" you raised your eyebrows, expecting not response. Finn just looked back at the girls, hoping they had something, but just as you expected: Nothing. "Then I'll be back soon," you pushed his hands of your waist and strutted out of your house. You smirked confidently because you could just picture Finn's face as you left. He was stunned.


As you exited the uber in front of Wyatt's rental house you straightened out your outfit and fluffed your hair. You let out a sigh and smiled as you approached the colossal house.

You waited patiently for the door to after ringing the bell.

One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four Mississippi, five Mississippi... you counted all the way to ten in your head.

You were surprised that no one had answered. They were usually so eager to. You rang again. After another ten seconds, you groaned in annoyance.

Looking through your contacts, you clicked on Jack's name and called him.

"Yes, y/n?"

"Why isn't anyone opening the door?" you huffed.

"I'm out right now. Wyatt should be home, though. Try calling him."

You hung up without saying bye. You were not going to call Wyatt. No way in hell you were going to call him.

So then you called Jaeden.

"Hey what's -"

"Are you home?! No one is answering the door!" you interrupted.

"Uh, no I'm not. I'm out right now with Chosen and Jeremy. I think Wyatt's there alone."

"Useless," you muttered before hanging up the phone.

You stood up straight and stared at the door. You began to bang your fist on the wood. You pounded on the door until you heard locks click. The door opened swiftly and you walked right in. You spun around to face Wyatt, dressed in sweats.

"What the hell, Wyatt?" you leaned on the bannister and crossed your arms. He looked confused. He just looked you up and down wide mouthed. Snapping your fingers, you announced, "Excuse me, eyes up here!" You knew you looked good, you didn't need him to validate it. Wyatt still looked confused, so you shoved your Instagram in his face. "ALL of my tagged photos are of YOU unfollowing Finn. ALL of my comments on my pictures are accusations against me for breaking up YOUR friendship with Finn. So tell me Wyatt... What. The. Hell." You were satisfied. You didn't really need or want an explanation. You just really wanted to scream in his face.

But of course he had something to say. "Do you think any of that is wrong?" You were taken back by him answering with a question. It was more than unexpected. "Do you think that Finn and I would be in the same situation if you hadn't come along?" His words brought tears to your eyes. You fought the urge to cry. Not in front of Wyatt. Don't show him that he's getting to you. "And Sophia feels the same way. She knows that adding you into all of this just caused more drama. Hell, even Sadie regrets mixing you up in all of this because you took Millie from her!"

"You're lying!" you snapped.

He smirked. "Why don't you go ask them, y/n?"

Your blood boiled. You could feel the steam shooting from your ears like a cartoon character. You tried to hide your anger. You didn't want to unleash your frustration onto Wyatt, but you couldn't control yourself.

"Suck a dick."

And you pushed him into a potted plant as you walked out of the house.

He was lying right? He had to be lying. But deep down inside, you knew you believed him.

{THIS WAS OVER 900 WORDS Y'ALL BETTER APPRECIATE IT. But it's okay ik no one reads my stories but this was very fun to write I love this part sm. and btw i have a new story it's about Stranger Things. check it out if you want!}

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