Chapter 10

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Khushi's pov

Khushi could not sleep she was still reeling from the encounter she had with Arian. Being with him made her feel alive but she was torn. A part of her basked in the feeling of being with a new man but a part of her felt guilty. She felt like she was being unfaithful to Arnav and the sacred bond of their marriage he might have not appreciated their marriage but she did. The vermilion and wedding chain that she did not wear anymore still meant a great deal . She might be transitioning into an independent girl but that did not mean the traditional girl in her diasppeared. The one who was taught to respect the sanctity of marriage, the one who was taught not to look at other man besides her husband that girl still existed but she was buried deep down within the hurt and humiliation she faced because of that marriage . "Remember Khushi this is your time to make all those dreams you were forced to forget about to come to light " Khushi told herself "You cannot allow your self to be lost in a man again ".

Arnav's pov

'Mr Raizada I have some good news for you " an investigator told Arnav
"I found your wife and she is in Mumbai. Mumbai Khushi was in Mumbai the same city as him he could not believe it . His life was in Mumbai.

Khushi's pov

"Hello Khushi this is Mrs Singh I was at Mr Mahen's daughter's wedding and I could not help but love the food you cooked ,I was wondering if we could meet I have a business proposition for you" Khushi listened to the voice message on her phone
She could not help but feel happy maybe this was a sign from her Devi Maya that she should only focus on her career and building herself for the time being.

Cafe sunshine

"Hi I am her to meet Mrs Singh" Khushi told the hostness "Right this way Madam "the hostness said as she lead Khushi to where Mrs Singh was seated. "Khushi I am so glad to meet and I must say your hands have magic because people could not stop raving about your food. That is why I thought I would approach you first before anyone else approaches you. I was thinking I have the money and you the talent basically what I am trying to say is that I want to be your invester " Mrs Singh told Khushi . Khushi stared at Mrs Singh with shock in her face finally everything she ever wanted was beginning to become a reality , but was she ready ? Could she do this ? Khushi questioned herself throughout her life she had heard countless of people say "You are nothing without your husband , a wife without a husband is as good as an invalid person . A wife cannot function without her husband beside her ". That is what Khushi heard all her life but she was ready to break the status quo.  "Yes I accept your proposal and if you don't mind can you give me a little time to find a lawyer who will look over the proposal ? "Khushi asked Mrs Singh. "Of course dear you may take all the time you need I don't mind as soon that work is completed I was thinking that we could meet up and get the ball rolling " Mrs Singh told Khushi. Things were finally looking up for Khushi. Khushi silently thanked her Devi Maya and prayed that she protect and guide her in this new path she was treading .

Author's note

Hi everybody  I hope you liking my story pls comment and vote.

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