chapter 25

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Arnav left Arian's office dejected I could not contain his anger. No I would not lose his wife not to that man. There was no way Khushi was his and his alone .

Khushi's place

Arian knew that this was not the right time to talk to Khushi but damn he needed to talk to her. He needed to let her know how much he burned for her and how much he desired her. His need for her was so big it was bigger than him. He loved Khushi with a passion she was the very air he breathed he couldn't picure his life without this woman and he simply just had to let her know.

This was it he was laying his cards out on the table and he was leaving it all out to her. He was a man in a limb.

Khushi's pov 

Khushi got up from bed groggily who on earth could that be at this time of the night. The persistant knocking continued.

"I am coming , I am coming ".

"Listen who ever yo... Arian ".

"Hello Khushi I know it is late at night but I simply needed  to talk to you "

"Arian what is this about its late now and I ..."

Arian holds Khushi by the waist

"I don't know where to begin ,you are the very air I breathe you burn me Khushi . I love you so so much Khushi from the moment I saw you you have always consumed me . I can't contain it anymore my need for you had grown immensely and it keeps on growing everyday ".

"Arian I ..."

"Shhh you don't have to say anything I just needed you to know how much I love ,I love you so much that it hurts Khushi . The only purpose I have in this world is to make you happy. Let me make you happy my love let me shower you with all the love that you deserve because lord knows you deserve so much and more ".

Khushi didn't know what to say she never expected Arian to say such things .

"I know this is presumptuous of me to ask but can kiss you . I am craving for a little taste please my love ".

Khushi did not know what compelled  her to say yes but she did.

Arian was  in heaven she wondered how he was ever going to leave this woman now that I had a taste of her . Goodness she was a goddes and she tasted divine. Khushi was now his addiction.

I deserve better part 2Where stories live. Discover now