Chapter 17

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Arnav 's POV

"Mr Raizada can you tell us what is your relationship with that woman ? Are you two related in some way ? Is she your wife ?" The reporters kept bothering Arnav with endless questions . Arnav did not do anything he just stood there thinking about his Khushi. "Eee Mr Raizada is a little bit overwhelmed with all your questions please just give him room to breathe " Aman  said . Arnav silently thanked Aman  he has always been his life saver  although he never showed it but  he was eternally  grateful to Aman . "Perhaps Mr Raizada is overwhelmed by the fact that he was just caught with his mistress " one reporter commented.  "Mistress , Mistress that woman out there is not my Mistress that woman out there is my WIFE !! So be careful with your words if you still value your career " Arnav threatened . Finally the reporters got what they wanted who knew a boring business event would turn into such a gossip fest .

3rd  person pov

"Breaking news the infamous business man Arnav Singh Raizada  was seen caught in an altarcation with an unknown woman whom we have come to know as his wife. Apparently the two got into a fight in the kitchen where Mrs Raizada was working her company was hired to cater for the event. This is the first time it has ever been mentioned that Mr Raizada has a wife . Khushi Singh Raizada that is her name , my name is Sashi Dubey and this is me reporting live from Mumbai I will continue to keep you updated have a good night ".

Khushi 's POV

Khushi watched as the reporter ruined her life after all that she had been through with trying to create an identity for herself everything is now completely destroyed.  Khushi Singh Raizada the name was attached to her again and this time there was no place she could run too everything was completely done . "Khushi dear can I talk to you for a minute "she heard Aru say as she say next to her on the bed "I know what must be going through your mind you think everything  is over " Aru began "But it is Aru  everything that I have worked for has come to an end " Khushi complained . "Don't be absurd girl everything has just begun okay answer this for me , has your business ended ? Are you sick ? Are you in jail ? No, no , no none of those things will happen mmm listen Khushi what actually happened today is a good thing. Now you don't have to do anything in hiding you have the opportunity  to show your family what you are made of . You have the chance to show them that you are not weak and that their words , thoughts and actions do not affect you . Show that that they are the ones who are unworthy of you . Do you understand meri khush ? " Aru asked sweetly as she tucked Khushi into bed ."Yes Aru  I do " Khushi replied drowsily as the day 's events took a toll on her.

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