chapter 20

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Khushi's pov

Khushi really didn't know what to make of Arnav's departure , getting a call from him brought back a lot of memories and feelings she had buried deep down within her . There were times in the marriage where she would lay awake and cry silently hoping not to disturb Arnav . In those times all she had wanted him to do was just hold her like normal husbands would do with their wives . She craved the sense of security she would get by just being held close to his chest , there were times she would want to touch him  but her hand would stop midair.  They were married and shared the same bed together yet they were so far away .


Khushi stared at Arnav as he slept peacefully  at that moment she wished it was her who was sleeping peacefully her heart was in shambles . They had had one of their fights and Khushi was still reeling from the painfull words Arnav hurled at her . What sort of husband was he ? Couldn't he feel her heart ,her agony ? If only he could just spare her a little attention just a little acknowledgment.  "Arnavji ' she whispered she knew he could not hear her since he was a deep sleeper . She decided just to pour her heart out "What wrong have I ever done to you Arnav ? I love you so much my love so much that it hurts . I wish I could be in your arms right now , I wish you could smile at me only once . My world begins and ends with you and yet you don't see that ' she tenderly caressed his sleeping face " My love I miss you so so much ".

End of flashback

Khushi quickly  wiped a stray tear  that betrayed her . She had promised herself she woudnt let that man affect her . Her phone suddenly rang "Hello " she answered "Hey you silly girl it's me your aunt . Just what do you think you are doing? You leave all of a sudden and then you suddenly appear in the news . I heard from the Raizadas that your husband left the country . What did you say to him ? Anyway that is not important what's important is the fact that you caused so much humiliation for both families   to the point where the Raizadas don't want you as their daughter in law . They want you to divorce Arnav "Madhumati bellowed . "Aunt how did you get my number " Khushi asked . "Hey silly girl all you are worried about is how did I get this number what you should be worried about is how you will save us from this embarrassment.  There is a proposal for you the son  saw you in the news and he liked you . I want you to come back so that we can start with the marriage preparations " Khushi 's aunt ordered . "Don't worry aunt I am coming today itself " Khushi answered . "It is time to end this now ' Khushi thought "What better way than to do it face to face .


Khushi walked in to the place she once called home with confidence . After flying from Mumbai to Delhi she was not tired at all from the jag  lag . 'Ah there you are " her aunt said  as she sat among unfamiliar faces . Khushi figured it was the people who came with the marriage proposal . "As I said this is Khushi " her aunt began . " As you know Madhumati Khushi is going to be divorced very soon and you are lucky that we are even ready to take on a divorcee  but what can I say our son liked her and there was nothing we could do " the mother of the groom spoke "we also heard that Khushi has her own business and we would  like it if she stopped working and as far as her business is concerned my son and his father will be glad to take over it . 'Ah that is no problem with us we accept your condition " her aunt readily agreed . Khushi looked at these people  before her with disdain she was  ashamed to realise that at some point had she been the old khushi she would have readily agreed for the whole thing . "Excuse me , don't I get to say something ? ".

"What are you doing silly girl shut up '

"No aunt I think it is you who must shut up since this matter concerns my life . What I want to say is, aunt how dare you mmm  how dare you think you have a right to make decisons and plans regarding my life ? "

"What are you saying silly girl how can you talk to me like that and moreover in front of ..."

" front of what aunt? People , to be honest with you I simply don't care . The funny thing about this situation is the fact that you haven't seen me in months and yet you have the audacity  to do what you just did "

"Khushiii! !! "

"What ? Are you gonna slap me its alright to ahead I don't care . Tell me aunt how can you plan a wedding for someone who you considered not to be your daughter ? "And you people who do you think you are ? Making plans about running my company which I have started from the ground up . So you think I would just hand it over just so that I can become a housewife , for what ? To be a baby making machine . I don't think so , so you can shove your proposal  down your stinky b... "

"Khushi enough !!" A voice screamed from the doorway .

"You "

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