Chapter 31

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Khushi's pov

" Thump , thump , thump " Khushi heard someone knock on her door. Her heart already knew who it was without her opening the door. She braced herself against the door , readiying herself for the emotional battle she was going to have. 
Arnav stood outside Khushi's door with bated breath, tonight was the last night he would convince Khushi to come back to him. After tonight he was willing to leave her life forever even if it meant losing her. But he was not gonna down without a fight.
Khushi opened the door and immediately  was bombarded with so the memories she and Arnav shared. She could see in his eyes that he looked different. He had this look of adoration and love.  Khushi immediately knew that she was in trouble.
"Arnav, what are you doing here ?" Khushi asked although she very well knew the reason why.
Arnav chuckled as his wife pretended to be naive. How he missed her and her antics. "Come on Khushi. You know very well why I'm here".
"Arnav I...I "
"Please Khushi listen this once and I promise that this will be the last time you see me if I don't convince you ".
"Convince me of what ?"
" Really Khushi , is that the game we are gonaa play ?".
"I'm not trying to play any games ".
" Fine , Khushi then so be it ".
"I'm here to get my wife back , I'm here to get my life back ".
"Arnav please ..  I ..".
"No , Khushi listen. I'm tired , I'm so tired my love, of you and I going back and forth".
"I accept my mistakes and I want to make things right with. I can't promise you that I will be the perfect husband. But, what I can promise is that you are gonna be loved like never before. You are going to be the centre of my heart.
"I don't know what to say Arnav "
"Say yes Khushi please say yes " Arnav pleaded in expectation.
"That's the thing Arnav , how do I trust you ?"
"What if I say yes right now and we are fine for a week or so and as time goes on you start treating me differently " , Khushi asked broken heartedly.

She really did love Arnav, but it took so much for her to leave him in the past and she is afraid that if she goes back she will be the same Khushi.

"I won't treat you differently, I have learned my lesson. Please Khushi just come home. Let me love you the way I should have loved you in the first place " ,Arnav pleaded, you won't have to go through  the same heartbreak again".

"Thump,  thump , thump !!!!"

They heard a knock on the door.

"Are you expecting anybody ?", Arnav asks.

"No , I don't think so " ,Khushi replies.

As Khushi goes to answer the door , her heart beats faster. Her heart's response can only mean one thing Arian is here.

Khushi opens the door hesistantly ...

"Khushi I'm I'm glad to see you , I'm so soory I'm here late at night " Arian begins.

"Arian what are you doing here? Listen I have ....

"Wait Khushi don't say anything, just listen. I have been really thinking about this for a while now. I.."

"Arian I I I this is not the right time ".

" There is no right time for mw to say this , but I love you. I love you with all my heart from the moment I see you I have always loved you".

"Arian please ".

"No Khushi !! Let me get this out. I love you and only you . I am no longer satisfied with friendship. I want more Khushi , I wanna be able to hold you , kiss you and dry your tears when you cry ".

"Arian you don't understand this is .. I I .."

"What is it Khushi you seem a bit distracted, did I interrupt something, is somebody else here ?"

Khushi finally moved from the entrance of the door to reveal a boiling Arnav.

" Yes , somebody else is here , her husband ".

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