chapter 15

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3rd person pov

"Smells amazing doesn't it Mr Raizada " Mr Tandon told Arnav as the waiters served them dinner , Arnav could only nod because the only thing that was going through his mind was Khushi. His Khushi cooked the same kind of food that was placed before him , he knew and he hoped he wasn't wrong in his observations only his Khushi could produce that certain kind of aroma. Arnav quickly tasted the food and he immediately knew that Khushi cooked that meal "I have to find the manager " Arnav thought to himself . "Excuse me waiter can I please see your manager " Arnav asked , of course sir . "Mr Raizada did you need anything " the manager asked slightly scared because after all the man was Arnav Singh Raizada when he called one had to be slightly alarmed. "Can you please take me to the chef who cooked our meals " Arnav asked anxiously. " Is anything wrong sir ? Was the food not satisfactory ? " . "Listen don't ask too many questions just take me to your chef please " Arnav said angrily .

Khushi 's POV

"Madam there is someone here to see you " Khushi heard someone tell her . As soon as she turned around her heart stopped . "No, no Devi Maya you can't do this to me , not when I am getting better "Khushi said frantically as she shook her head . "Khushi please , Khushi please jaan talk to me " Arnav begged. "No No No !! You don't get to do this to me not now Mr Raizada . Why did you have to come back to my life ? Why do want to complicate my life ?" Khushi asked pacing back and forth .

3rd person pov

Everybody in the kitchen was shocked ,they were shocked at the fact that such an insignificant chef had the nerve to shout at Arnav Singh Raizada . "Everybody leave this place ! " Arnav suddenly bellowed "I said LEAVE !!" in an instant everybody except Khushi left the kitchen . Khushi stared at Arnav with tears pooling in her eyes "Khushi " Arnav began . Khushi could not help but feel a sense of longing as she looked at him yes she will admit that there was some part of her that missed him , the way he looked ,his eyes and lips . She was not going to allow him to affect him , seeing Arnav made her remember all those moments when she wished she wasn't born althogh she could have easily  killed herself but she didn't cause her upbringing  taught her it was a sin. Living with Arnav made her feel like she didn't belong to anything or anyone , she didn't fit in she constantly felt out of place. Sometimes she would sit and wonder why she was born in the first place . What great work was she required  to do on earth that she existed . These questions ran through Khushi 's mind constantly. At some point it seemed like the Lord did not love her enough cause he allowed her to go through such misery and pain . There is only so much pain a human can take until enough is enough.

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