chapter 27

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"What are you doing here anjali ?"

"Well I came here to ask Khushi to leave my brother alone".

"Wow chote you've been out of the country for such a long time and then the moment you come back the first person you see is Khushi.".

"Listen to me Anjali I do not want either of you here ,Arnav is an uninvited guest as are you so if all of you could do me a favour and get out of here ".

"You heard her chotte let's go ".

"No Anjali there is something I need to say and this is something I should have said a long time ago ".

"Anjali for a long time I have put you first above everything and anyone else. I have forsaken all other people just in the name of your happiness ".

"I disregarded Khushi's happiness for your own ,I did not give Khushi the love that she deserved and I regret it immensely ".

"So what I am trying to say is that I am done , I am for treating you like a baby when you are a grown women who should have been out of my house a long time ago ".

"But Arnav ...".

"No Anjali enough is enough you have taken advantage of my love for you, I will come back home and when I get home I want to find you having a job and contributing to the household".

"Chotte you know my condition ...".

"The only condition you have is laziness there are a lot more people who are in a much worse position than you but they are making something out of their lives, they are not parasites who weep for no reason it is time you grow up Anjali ".

"And this woman right here is the only thing that matters , she is the only one who deserves to be taken care of and given the world ".

"Go home Anjali and when I get back i expect you to have made something out of your life ".

Anjali was at a loss for words she couldn't believe that Arnav has just spoken to her like that . She tried to protest but the look on Arnav's eyes told her there was no room for discussion .

After Anjali left Khushi was a little shocked that Arnav actually talked to Anjali like that . If she were the old Khushi she would have been happy and jumped straight into Arnav's arms but that khushi was long gone.

"Khushi I am sorry about Anjali and I am sorry for everything I have put you through ".

"Its a little too late don't you think Arnav ,had you said this a year ago I would have been extremely happy ".

"But now ...".

"Now what Khushi ? What has changed I am still the same person and you are still the same person ...".

"No that is where you are wrong Arnav ,I am no longer the same women I was before Arnav . That Khushi is long dead ".

"Well let me get to know the real Khushi , why can't we pick up from where we let off ".

"Its easier said than done Arnav ,I won't lie to you when I tell you that the love I have for you is the same as the love I had for you back then ".

"You see Arnav the old Khushi worshiped the ground you walked on , I had no identity apart from being your wife and for a while I was okay with that . I was okay with being Arnav's wife and that was okay because I loved you that much ".

" what are you trying to say Khushi ,are you saying that you no longer love me ".

"Arnav's heart was breaking by the minute ".

"No Arnav to be honest with you I still love you how could I ever stop loving you ".

"Then why Khushi why are you pushing me away ".

"Because I need space and I ...".

"This is about Arian isn't ?".

"This has nothing to do with Arian ,yes I will admit I care about him a great deal ".

"What is it you want from me Khushi ,because I don't know what to do anymore ?" Arnav said close to tears .

"I want space that is all I ask ".

"Okay Khushi that is what I will give you ,remember one thing you are my wife and I will love you till the end of time ".

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