chapter 18

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3rd person


In the darkness of her bedroom there sat Anjali surrounded by darkness , darkness that was what her life had become. She lost her only reason of living and now she wondered what was the point of her life , the presence of Aarav in her life could only numb her pain for so long  . Aarav was like a temporary painkiller one she drank to  remove her heartache. What was the point of being alive if she was rewarded with so much suffering weren't her offerings enough ,the fasts  she held in God's honour weren't they enough . That is the reason  why she was jealous yes  jealous of the one person who was capable of bringing her brother out of her pain. Khushi the name itself meant happiness despite being through so much and dealing  with so many blows in her life the girl still managed to smile and spread happiness wherever she went "why couldn't  she be like that ?" Anjali wondered "why couldn't she move on and forget her past and look towards the future?". The truth of the matter was she was addicted , addicted to the pain that flowed through her that she could not imagine parting with it . That is why it gnawed at her to see her brother finally moving on and letting go of all the pain Arnav couldn't do that to her if she was hurting them Arnav was also supposed to be hurting . "How dare he leave her behind with all that pain and move on ?" That is why she had readily agreed to Sheetal staying in RM she knew that Khushi did not like it althogh she knew  it was wrong and hurting Khushi she could not help but feel a sense of satisfaction a sense of happiness that she was not the only one suffering inside. Whenever Khushi frowned and Arnav got angry she felt like that was how things were meant to be and then Khushi suprised her by moving out. She felt sad but not sad at the fact that Khushi left but sad at the fact that there was no one around for her to inflict pain upon them. Khushi being gone  meant that there was no one who she could deflect her hatred upon .


Minutes turned into hours and hours turned into days and days turned into months. Two months to be exact it had been two months since Arnav arrived in Mumbai and in those past months Khushi had managed to avoid Arnav at every turn. She was starting to become a household name her business was booming , she was getting hired left and right her food was the talk of the town. Arushi couldn't be any more prouder Khushi was becoming a success but she was worried in the past months she knew Khushi was avoiding Arnav and that was not right although the girl looked happy but she was not completely happy and inorder for her to be happy she needed to face her past so that she could get closure.

Khushi looked around at her house yes she said it her house she had finally convinced Arushi to move out and move in with her . The house was gorgeous she was finally enjoying the fruits of her labour and this was the beginning of great things to come. 

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