chapter 30

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Garima's pov

" I am sorry Garima , but your husband has lost his ability to walk " Garima stood shocked as the doctors words resonated within her. She couldn't understand anything yesterday he was just fine and now he can't walk. At that that moment Garima thought about her life in that moment. If she were to be quite honest with herself her marital life had never been the fairy tale she dreamed of. From the moment she married Shashi her life was always filled with frequent visits to the hospital. Her husband always had one ailment after the other. Due to that she never experienced the full pleasures of marriage. Over the course of the years the love she felt for Shashi turned into some kind of motherly love. Having to take care of him throughout the years diminished her womanly desires towards her husband. Even when it came to intimacy , she just did it out of sheer duty and to keep Shashi's prying sister Madhumati from her back. Now looking back as she stared at her husband it finally sunk into her that for the rest of her life she was going to be a caretaker. She was never going to be a wife and never going to feel what is like to be a wife. So inside the silence of that hospital room Garima sighed as she accepted the circumstances before her.

Doctor's pov

Aparagit looked at the woman before him , she couldn't be older than 40. But the weight of life and her dreadful sarees made her look older. The woman before him looked beaten by life. He could tell that life had never been kind to her. What was most alarming to the doctor was the fact that she spotted a look of resignation. Like she had just accepted her fate and that is how she was determined to live. The doctor shook his head in sympathy for the woman who was led to believe that once you are forty in their society then your life is over. Garima Gupta was not the only woman he saw in this hospital living under that notion. That is the core problem with their society woman are led to believe that they have no life apart from their husbands and kids. You can have no desires but to take care of your odd and husband.

Nani's pov

Nano looked at what once used to be a sweet girl, Alkali. The girl was lying on a bed filled with shyam's pictures. Guilt immediately coursed through her body. She had failed , she failed her daughter. She thought by giving Anjali lots of love and letting her have her way, that would make up for all the tragedies she experienced in her life . But now she sees how deeply wrong she was. She had created a monster and she had no idea what to do write.
"Hello Hi Bye Bye, Mamiji what are we gonna do now " bellowed her daughter-in -law. Daughter-in-law , Nani cringed as she thought about the words. Her bahu was not what she wanted in a bahu. The only good thing that ever came out of her son's marriage was Aakash. " Don't worry I know what I have to do " Nani replied back to her daughter-in-law. Nano looked at the woman before her and she couldn't help but think just how ridiculous she looked. She looked like a stand filled with different ornaments. Nani although she never admitted it to herself at the back of her mind she had always thought that Khushi was a gold digger. But now staring at her bahu she just realised that she sees the true definition of a gold digger.
Walking back to her to her room she dreaded the thing she had to do. She knew that it was for the best. She picked up the and dialed the number.
As the phone rang Nano held her breathe, " Hello Good hope mental hospital how may we help you ".
With bated breathe " I would like to admit my granddaughter into your hospital ".

With that Anjali' s fate had been decided. Nani sat in her rocking chair gazing at the moment. With a heavy heart she wondered if she would ever get the life she had dreamed of. A life full of colour and grandkids. The tides of life had finally turned and she didnt know if she would still be alive to seem them turn in her favour.

Anjali's pov

In the darkness of her room a figure stood rocking back and forth chanting the same time over and over again. " Shyam loves me , He loves me and nobody else . Shyam loves me , he loves me and nobody else" . In that same note the walls of Anajli's room vote witness to the girl's ever increasing madness.

Manoroma's pov

Manoroma was not as dumb people thought. She behaved the way she did because of the harsh realities of her life. Working as a maid for the Raizaida family provided her with a way out. She saw her husband as her escape. She felt like it was not fair that such a family had so many riches. She wanted those riches for herself. Sick and tired of a life of poverty she devised a plan. She seduced her way into the Raizada family and made sure she got pregnant while doing it. She was not dumb she knew her husband and mother resented her. She did not care she had the life she had always dreamed of . As ridiculous as she looked in her outfits. She was still gonna wear them because she earned it. She once heard people often say that money does not but you happines but to her it has bought her all the happiness in the world. She played with the new diamond rong she recently got without noticing the figure standing at the door watching her.
Manoroma's husband shook his head in grief. If only he had been strong enough to resist her he would have been married to the love of his life. He walked out of the room thinking one thing "If only ".

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