Chapter One

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A/N: There will be many quotes from the movie however they may not be perfect. Some events that occur in the Dreamworks Dragons universe will be altered.
I own nothing.
I owe so much to Social_Gamer_  and Vala411  as their stories "We're leaving... Together" and "To mend a Valkyrie's heart" we're both major sources of inspiration for this story.
This story will mainly be told from Hiccup's point of view but will also switch to a third person view occasionally.

"You did it Hiccup you get to kill the dragon!" Exclaimed Gobber. "I'm so proud of you son." Was what I heard as I looked into the proud twinkling eyes of my father. This was all I had ever wanted, to make my father proud. So why did I feel so empty inside? All I could think about was my beloved dragon Toothless. How could I kill a dragon and still face my best friend? These thoughts whirled around in my mind as I was carried by the crowd of cheering Vikings to the great hall. By the time I had gotten there I had made my decision.

"Leaving, We're leaving." I exclaimed to the open air of the cove. Out of nowhere I was tackled to the ground by a giant black blur. I felt a large wet tongue scraping all over my body. "I missed you too bud." I said. Toothless responded with a high pitched warble. "Don't worry Toothless we're gonna be spending a lot more time together from now on." Toothless responded to this with his famous all gum smile. I strapped the basket I was carrying to him. "Hold on Toothless." I said as I reached into the basket and pulled out my mother's necklace that my father had given to me. I was tempted to leave it behind with a note but instead I hung it around my neck. "I just need a minute bud." I said as I prepared to say goodbye to Berk for the last time. Toothless headed over to the lake and started snapping at fish. I walked around the cove slowly taking it all in for the last time. Then I heard a familiar voice. "Hiccup, Is that you?". Astrid emerged from behind some rocks. "A-Astrid w-what are you up to all the way out here?" I stepped to the side so I could block her view of Toothless. "Really!?" She said anger clearly rising. "You disappear into tho woods every day and ruin my life and you're questioning how I spend my time!" She screamed in my face. "A-Astr..." She cut me off. "Don't." She said. Just then we both heard movement behind me. She looked past me to see Toothless walking towards us growling with his teeth bared into a snarl. "Hiccup watch out!" She exclaimed as she shoved me to the side. Before I could react she leapt at Toothless. Toothless swatted her out of the air and into a nearby rock. She lay their unmoving as Toothless stood over me protectively growling his teeth. I scrambled over to her and felt for a pulse. I was relieved to find one. "Alright bud it's past time we left this place." I mounted Toothless and we rose into the air. As we flew off into the sunset I looked back at Berk for the last time. "Goodbye." I said as a single tear stained my cheek.

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