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Tom's p.o.v

I watched as Jake and Timothy take Edd and Matt. Tord then turned to me as I turned into my half form. I felt tears drip down my face. "Why?" I asked.


"Why did you bring them? And show them me. Not Tom, but my monster!" He just laughed. "I didn't just bring them because of you." My eyes widened. "If you lay a finger on them, I swear I will-" "you will what? I'm not going to turn them into a monster like you, promise. They will come in handy with something else. Now, Amy is waiting for us. Transform into your medium form." I felt the tears in my eyes fall as I transformed. He grabbed my chain and we walked out.

~A week later~

Matt's p.o.v

A strange man walked into the hallway of cells. He handed me and Edd some red and blue uniforms.
"Get dressed." He said. "Today's your first day training." He said. He then unlocked the cells and walked out. We both got dressed and then he walked in again. "Follow me." He ordered us. We followed him and then he led us to the same room that we saw Tom in a week ago. Tord stood there with a medium size version of the monster Tom turned into beside him. Edd gasped. "Tom, is that you?" The monster looked away. Tord snickered. "Today, you two will be joining me and Tom so you could one, get a tour of the base. And two, meet your new friends that you will work with. Now come with me and Tom." He led us through the base. Edd looked like he was going to cry every time he looked down at Tom. Tord was treating him as if he was a dog, and not a human being. We all soon came to a lab. (The room where Tom met Amy) there stood a tall woman, the same size as Tord and Edd, and she had a lab coat on. Her crisp brown hair flowed behind her. And she had glasses hanging from her shirt. She smiled at us. "Good morning Amy." Tord said. "Good morning Tord. Good morning Tom." She kindly said. Tom's tail shot up and started to swing side to side. He then ran up to the woman. She bent down and pet his head. "I missed you to Tom." Tord grabbed mine and Edd's hands and pushed us to Amy. "Amy, these are our new recruits. They are friends with me and Tom and will be joining us today, to learn more about how we do it here at the Red Army base." Amy stood straight up and nodded. She then grabbed Tom's chain and led us to a large room. It had training supplies and stuff like that. (The training room) "okay, let's start."

~hours later~

No one's p.o.v

Tom snatched the gun from Tord and ran to the other side of the room. Tord chased after him and signaled Paul and Pat to chase after him. They did that and charged after the small purple creature. Tom flicked his right ear, signaling Edd to come closer. Edd ran by and as Paul and Pat jumped in Tom, Tom passed the gun to Edd. "Matt, now!" Matt jumped on Tord, pinning him down. "Wait, I thought Matt was on my team!" Tord said, with his arms behind his back. "Ha! Yeah right." Matt laughed. Edd then pointed the gun at Tord. "Any last words?" Tord sighed. "No, sir." Edd then pulled the trigger and the bullet hit Tord. Tom covered his sensitive ears as the bang rang through the room. Amy clapped and helped Matt off Tord as Pat helped Tord up. Tord rubbed his head. "Who knew nerf guns could hurt so much." He complained. Edd laughed and handed the toy gun to Amy. "You three really make a good team." Amy said, looking at Edd walk over to Matt and Tom. Tom was still in his monster form, but didn't care as much. "Hm, guess we do." Edd said, bending down and petting Tom's head. "We will continue training tomorrow. And Tom." Tom looked over to Amy. "You don't have to be a monster tomorrow." Tom smiled and ran over to Amy. He jumped at Amy and snuggled on her. Amy wrapped her arms around the small ball of fur and laughed. "Okay, Paul and Pat will take you two to your cells. I'll take Tom to the cage, and Amy already knows where she sleeps." Tord said, grabbing Tom's chain. Pat and Paul nodded and led Edd and Matt back to the cells. Tord brought Tom to the glass cage and locked him up. "See you tomorrow bud." He then left.

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