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It had been two months since we've come to the new army base, and everyone seemed happy. Tom and Tord were happy together, Matt and Edd were use to living as a solider for Tord, and they couldn't remember when they didn't have tord in their lives. Today was different, though. Tord, in honor of his recent alignment with the blue army, put together a break day for everyone. They had a giant barbecue in the base, and all the army was invited. You could go and see your family if you wanted to, but if you didn't have a family to go to you would stay and eat.
Tord was helping out with setting up picnic tables when it all started. Everyone started to flood into the area, talking, dancing, and getting food for one another. Tom walked up to the tables to get food and saw Amy. "Hi, Amy." Tom greeted. Amy looked at him. Tom expected to see her pleasant, joyful smile, but was surprised to see a dull, sad, and scared look painted on the brunette's face. She tried to hide it with a smile, but that didn't fool Tom. "Hi there. You here for food?" Tom nodded. Amy gave him two hotdogs and then helped the person behind him. Tom was suspicious, but didn't think much of it. She must've been tired, is all. Tom sat down at a picnic table and started to eat.
"Here ya go, babe." Tom heard a familiar voice behind him. Her turned and saw Ray, setting down a plate with a hamburger and potato salad in front of Luna. "Hi, Ray. Long time no see." Ray looked over to Tom and her eyes widened. She ran over and hugged Tom. "Hey! It's been forever." Tom laughed. "When did you and Luna start dating?" Tom asked, when Ray stopped hugging him. She thought about it for a tiny bit. "Four-ish months ago. We started dating after our first date. You know, the one you, Edd, and Matt helped me with." "That's great! I'm happy for you two." "Heh, thanks." Ray smiled. "Well, it was nice batting, but I'm going to eat now. See ya." Tom walked away as Ray and Luna waved him goodbye. Tom sat down and started to eat as time passed by.
It was an hour and a half in the bbq party and Tom was dancing with Edd and Matt in the middle of the quad of the base until the music was cut off by Tord. "Ahem. Thank you all for joining us today. Now, if you could stop munching on those burgers and hotdogs, I'm proud to call these special people up that helped with the buying of territory. Please give a hand to Damien!" Time passes and tons of people were called up. Close to the end, Edd leaned over to me and whispered, "is it weird that they're all scientists and guards? Would it be soldiers or his assistance that help him with the money and all that stuff?" I nod. "Yeah, but maybe these scientists are good with that stuff." To he followed by clapping from the audience as another scientist was called up. "And, now, for our final lovely helper, who has been the spine to this project since day one, Amy Fern!" Tons of people started to cheer and clap as Amy walked on stage, but she didn't seem happy. To be honest, she looked like she wanted to hide. Tord turned to her and handed her a medal. "Amy, thank you for everything you've given to us since day one of your joining. You've always helped all of us in our darkest times and we couldn't thank you enough. You are one of the best partners I could've ever asked for, and it seems like you're good at everything. Thank you so much and I'm very proud to give you this reward. Is there anything you'd like to say?" Tord handed the microphone to Amy, which she took with shaking hands. Throughout that whole speech she did not smile. She opened her mouth but it stayed quiet until she quietly said, "no. Nothing you'd like to hear." To them be followed by, "I'm so proud of all of you and how far you've come, and to know that I'm part of that reason brings joy to my heart, but I must not take this reward." She then took off the reward and looked at it and when she did next left a tattoo of that moment in our minds for the rest of our life.

She threw the medal to the ground and watched as it shattered.
"I refuse to be rewarded for what I did to them. I refuse to be paid for those helpless people. All this is a lie! There's no territory, no money spent. They only reason we're here is to celebrate those who have lost their spirits to us. Their bodies under our feet, and I'm not joking. Dig in the cement below you and find it. Find what I spent all m work and time doing."
"Okay, I think that's enough."
"And I hate it! I hate this place. I hate tord, I hate this job, and I hate me. I have done so much to everyone!"
"See what will happen to you all. This is the only warning you'll get if you don't turn and run!"
"Amy, stop!"
A gun shot. And Amy collapsed. She collapses under Tom. She looked up for a brief moment at Tom with dull, fading eyes.
"201513. Under the flickering light."
And then her eyes closed

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