The move (part 2)

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No ones pov

   The car, driven by Tord, drove off the road and into the nothing desert. Matt looked out the window to see that they were driving to a giant mountain, with no way to drive up it, and Matt could tell that Tord wasn't gonna slow down.
"Tord, what are you doing?" Matt asked
"Don't worry about it, friend, just sit back and relax." Tord said, pushing his foot harder on the gas pedal. Matt was shot back in his seat from the sudden push, and his heart started to race faster. Everyone couldn't understand what Tord was doing, and was really scared, even Tom himself, who trusted Tord with his life, for some reason.
"Tord, slow down." Edd yelled at his friend. "Yeah, rather not." Tord replied, slurring his yeah.
They were about to hit the mountain's side when they suddenly when through it, his it was water. They went through the side of the mountain and was greeted with a large, packed garage room, thing. It was, about, 50 feet tall and 50 feet wide.
(It was like one of these babies, just with a lot of stairs and balconies inside that lead to other hallways and rooms, and MUCH bigger:)

(It was like one of these babies, just with a lot of stairs and balconies inside that lead to other hallways and rooms, and MUCH bigger:)

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Matt and Edd awed at the large place. It had tons of door and stairs leading everywhere, and it was packed with Red Army spillers and workers. Matt and Edd only saw this part of the army base, but could tell that it was way bigger than the last one.
"This is where the new base is?" Edd asked. "No, Edd, this is where the base has been. This base is older than the last one we had. The other one just was for trainees, which is why you guys were there. I was there to keep an eye on you three until I could bring you all here."
"Guess I can add this to the list of things you've kept from ya for years." Edd said, chuckling, but only to hide his true feelings to this "list". Tord chuckled as well, not seeming to see Edd's eyes of disappointment.
Tord brought something out of his bag and gave it to Edd. He then got an exact replica of that thing and gave it to Matt. "These are the keys to your room you two are sharing. Don't loose them or you'll sleep with the coyotes for a good week before I give you another one. Poor little Jim." Tord seemed to say that last part to himself. Edd and Matt nodded and walked off. Tord turned to Tom and smiled down at him. Tom looked up at Tord, squinting his eyes a bit, but soon smiled as well. They stood like that for a good couple seconds until a shoulder came over to get Tord's attention. "Sir. Tom's glasses are ready." He walked off from the love birds and Tord soon was able to stop the staring contest to say, "Oh- OH. That's right- Tom, follow me." Tord grabbed Tom's arms and they started to walk to the right side of the base and into a white hallway. It had, about, 30 different doors, but they went into the fifth one, so Tom didn't see the whole hall, because it was a long hallways AND he's a bit blind at the moment. Tord let go of his hand and started to talk to someone else. Tom looked around and only saw blurry colors, but those colors consisted of white, grey, and some yellow. Unlike his eyes, his ears worked perfectly fine. He turned to the noise of footsteps and saw a blob walking close to him. He stood still, knowing that he could trust this person not to hurt him, for some reason.
"Hello, Thomas." A familiar voice said. Tom smiled up at the black haired woman. "Hello, Ms. E." Ms. E smiled. "I have a visor for you, because of your eyes. They will not only let you see, but heal your eyes after a period of time. Your vision will be put in a robot, type, way. Meaning, you're going to see things like how Iron Man sees things in his suit."
"Does that mean I have my own little JARVIS?" Tom asked. "No, but, using your mind, you can get information of things you see or remember and use it as a computer with your mind. Pretty cool, eh?" Ms. E said, chuckling a bit. Tom giggles back and nodded. "Thank you so much. How can I repay you?" Tom asked. "There's no need. Anything for my favorite little mutant. And, Tord already paid me." They both laughed and Ms. E took the visors out of a gray suit case. She walked over to Tom and put them on him. To Tom, his eyes sight just vanished. He only saw black. "This may hurt a little bit, but it's better than having this surgely sewed on your skin like some authors do to their story characters."
Tom felt a slight stab right above his ears. He winced, but he'd been threw worse. As time passed, we felt more stabs and some slight headaches, but it disappeared in a second. "Close your eyes, Tom." Dr. E said. Tom closed his eyes. He heard, in his ear, the sound of a marching turning on, like what you would hear in the marvel movies whenever one of Tony Stark's suits powered on. He also saw blue between his eyelids. "Okay, you can look now." Tom opened his eyes and was amazed to see again. He gasped in surprise. The world looked like what you would see when you wore blue tinted sunglasses. Dr. E held up a can of Cola. "Think in your mind: 'what is this', or, 'scan."
Tom did just that and was that his goggles focused on the cola. It then started to pull up articles of Cola on the left side of his sight, and a definition on the top of the goggles. "Woah. Can you see this?" Tom asked. Dr. E laughed. "No, we can't, only you can."
"Cool." Tok replied, dragging the o's.
Damien handed Ms. E a mirror, which was then passed to Tom. Tom looked in the mirror and saw that the visor covered his eyes and had a very dark, black tint. On that black tint, we're a pair of green dots, all pairing up to make eyes. They weren't realistic, but just something that you would see on a drawing of a cartoon or original character.

(For all that don't know what future Tom looks like while reading this:
1. Why are you reading this?😂💓


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Tom looked up at Tord, and saw Tord smiling

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Tom looked up at Tord, and saw Tord smiling. Tom barely gets to see Tord smile, but when he does the world either is about to die, because he's in love with his evil plan so much he's smiling, or is just lucky enough to get blessed by this man's happy expression.
Tord looked at Dr. E. "Thank you, again, for everything."
"Anything to see you two happy." She replied. "Okay. I'm done with you guys. Get out, I have paper work to attend to."

And, thus, they left

Thank's for reading 💓💞
-Ravin. N (5/26/19)

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