The plan

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(Before we start, I wanted to show you guys a picture of one of my favorite character from this book that you are reading.)

(It's Amy🤗😄

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(It's Amy🤗😄. I love Amy so much because she is smart, kind, and loving. She is actually going to be a big part of the story in the future. Trust me, you won't see it coming. Well let's get back to the story.)

Tom's p.o.v

I was waken up by Amy instead of Tord this morning. I was very surprised, but also happy about this. Tord would wake me up by either yelling at me through the glass, shocking my collar till I wake up, or even both sometimes. Amy instead, came inside the glass cage and shook me awake, saying, "wake up Tom. It's time to train with Edd and Matt again." I opened my 'eyes' and sat up. I rubbed my eyes quickly and then stood up. She almost fell back because of how quickly I did this. "A-Amy? What are you doing here? Where's Tord?" I asked. "Tord is waking up Edd and Matt. He wanted to wake you up, but I wanted to do it this time. Why were you so quick?" She asked. "T-Tord would usually yell at me if I am to slow." Tom answered, looking down. Amy bent down and hugged him. "It's okay Tom. I'll try all I can to get you a better life." Tom smiled. "Thank you Amy."
"No problem s-Tom."
"What did you say?"
"N-nothing. Let's just get to your friends." I nodded.

No ones p.o.v

Tom grabbed Amy's hand and she dragged him out the door. They then saw Edd and Matt standing next to Tord, Paul, and Pat. Edd's eyes widened as he saw Tom. "T-Tom!" Tom and Edd ran to each other and wrapped their arms around each other. Tom felt Edd cry in his shoulder. "I-I missive you Tom!" "I missed you too." Matt walked over and joined the hug. Tord then broke up the hug. (God dang it Tord) "Okay, let's get to work. Today, you three will be working on you hiding skills, fighting skills, and also how good you are at stealing from a enemy base. We will pretend that one of the rooms in the base is a enemy base's safe for their greatest weapon. You three need to steal that and bring it back to me, with out getting caught. This will also teach out other soldiers. They don't know about you three so we will see how they react. Now follow me." He led us out of the base and gave us a map of the base, some of those wake talkie things you put in your ear, two guns, a screw driver, a key, one tiny bomb, a long rope, and some masks. "There you go. Now get started and steal that weapon, or else. Oh and Tom, you may use your monster if needed to" Tom nodded and solute Tord before the four left them outside. They put on the mask's and packed the stuff. "Okay, so it looks like the weapon is on the 5th floor. We can climb to the ceiling and then make our way down through the vents." Edd said. Tom nodded. "We need a distraction." Both Edd and Matt looked over to Tom. The spiked hair man's 'eyes' widened. "No! No! No!" "Please Tom! This is a mission, and Tord said you could use your monster side." Edd begged. Tom looked away. "FIINNNNNNEEEE!" "Thanks." "Okay." Matt started. "Tom will crawl through this vent and come out....." he pointed to the hall way right outside the door. "Here. He will distract the guards as me and Edd come down through the window and sneak into the room. We will snatch the weapon and run off." They all agreed and got ready. Tom turned into his large monster form and slowly climbed up the large building, with Edd and Matt on his head. They landed on the top and Tom turned into his small form. Matt unlocked the vent with the screw driver and then Tom went in. He crawled right and left and down, down some more and then left and then stopped. He made a chirp sound into the microphone. The chirp was the signaled to come through the window and wait. They did this and waited. Tom waited till two soldiers came by the closed vent and then barked loudly.
"What the-" one said. They bent down unlocked the vent. They then picked up Tom and held him in their hands. "What is this thing?" The one with long brown hair asked. The one with short blonde hair shrugged. "Hey, Joe, come look at this. You might now what it is because if all that magical creature books you study day and night." The blonde hair make called. Joe, the guard of the room the weapons are in, walked over, leaving the door unguarded.
"I don't know what this is." Joe said, after looking at Tom. "We should bring it to the lab." "Yeah." The long haired male said. They started to walk away when then the blonde hair guy turned. "Wait, you need to be guarding." "Oh yeah." Tom heard Edd say, "oh no!" In the ear bud. "Quick Tom, do something. He is getting closer and we just unlocked the door." Matt said. Tom then barked and bit the guy holding him. He screeched and dropped Tom. Tom stood up and started to run down the hallway. "Get that monster!" The long haired man yelled. They all chased after Tom. Tom could feel his heart beat faster than it ever has. He ran through the base, and soon at least ten soldiers were chasing him. He soon heard Edd say, "we have the weapon Tom, where are you?" Tom whimpered, signaling that he was in trouble.

Edd's p.o.v

I heard the whimper and turned to Matt. "Tom's in trouble! Let's go." We grabbed the equipment and ran out. We soon found Tom sprinting through the base. We looked and saw ten soldiers chasing him, a long haired man, with a bite mark on his arm, in the front. "Get back here you son of a-" a gun shot was heard. Tom fell to the ground and whimpered. Blood was running out of his front paw and onto the carpet. They all surrounded the monster and stared down at him. Edd and Matt hid around the corner and just watched. Then they saw a large man with a black coat walk up with the gun that shot Tom. He stared down. "What is this thing and what is it doing here?" He asked. "S-sir! We don't know. Me, Joe, and Sam found it a minute ago. It but Sam and ran off so we chased after it." The blonde said. The man looked down at Tom again and then reached out his hand to grab Tom until Edd and Matt ran to the crowd and burst into the middle, right next to the bleeding Tom. "Stop!" Edd yelled. He held up one of the guns, and so did Matt. Matt then bent down and picked up Tom. He held him with his right arm and hand while his left hand held the gun. "Is this your monster?" The man asked. Edd nodded. Matt bent down and grabbed the bag that held everything. He put Tom into the bag and as he did this Sam gasped. "They stole the weapon! The monster must have been a distraction." Everyone leapt at them and then tackled. Matt dodged it, with his bag, and so did Edd. The ran off as the soldiers tackled each other. When outside, Matt grabbed a walkie-talkie that Paul and Patrick gave him and said to use when they have the weapon. "PAUL! WHERE SHOULD WE GO? WE GOT THE WEAPON AND ARE BEING CHASED! TOM GOT SHOT AND I HAVE THE WEAPON." "Okay okay, go to the back of the building. Me and Patrick are there in the jeep." They ran to the back and jumped into the jeep. "GO!" Edd yelled. Patrick slammed in the pedal and they drove off. "I though you would be dead, when Tord sent you to steal Black army's weapon." Patrick said. "Black army's? I though this was a test." Paul shook his head. "He thought you guys would be to chicken to do it if you three knew that it wasn't a test." A whimper was heard from the bag. Matt opened it and saw Tom in pain, still bleeding. "Paul, please help us!" He begged. Paul took the bag and grabbed some bandages from the glove box. He wrapped up Tom's leg and handed him back to Matt and Edd. "This is the best I can do. Once we get back, I'll take him to Amy and Dr. E." Matt nodded, looking at the whimpering monster. He rested his hand on Tom and stroke his back to make the monster more calm, which worked. He could feel his heart well up with fear and sorrow for his friend. He was being abused, tested on, treated like a dog, and he bet more stuff than that. He kept petting him till they got to the Red Army base. Tord rushed out with Amy. Tord grabbed the bag and searched through it. He grabbed the binder that held the weapon and laughed. "We did it! We did it Amy! We stole the-" he was pushed to the side and had fallen to the sandy dirt floor because Amy had grabbed Tom and ran into the base, Paul, Patrick, Edd, and Matt chasing after her. Amy kicked open one of the sir and rushed in. The other we're going to follow, but a teen boy that wore glasses and had ginger curled hair pushed them out. "Let is in!" Matt yelled.

"I'm sorry sir, I can't do that."

"But that's our friend in there!"

"And he won't get better if you four are distraction Miss Amy and Doctor E from saving him." He said. Patrick sighed. "Damons right guys, we should go." Edd agreed and walked away, dragging Matt with him. Tord ran in and stopped in front of the two new recruits. "What happened?" He asked.

WOW! That took awhile to right. GEEZ 1834WORDS! That has to be the largest I have written in a while. Also, thanks so much for all the support. I'm so happy that you guys enjoy what I write. A lot of new characters to. I will try and draw some more. So far we have
The black leader
Sam (the long haired guy that got bitten)
Joe (the guard)
Fred (the blonde)
Timothy and Jake (the two guards that took Edd and Matt to their cells)
And now Doctor E and her apprentice Damon. Well, see you guys next time. Bye😄

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