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Steelwing Pov

I walked out of my room and up to jack Miko and Raf that were playing a racing game on the Tv when Bulk caught my attention. "HEY BULK!" I yell. I was taking after Miko a lot. "Whats up kiddo?" He asked. "Can i borrow you? for like an hour" My question got Ratchet attention. "What for?" Bulk asked with a little regret in it.

"Training" I said and he put his arms up in surrender. "Sorry kid i would but i hate holding back.." Bulk said and i smirked. " Good" I said and started dragging him into a empty room.

it was big and mostly empty but it had a few things for shooting practice and hand to hand combat. "Come at me...." I said getting in stance. "Ok.." Bulk ran at me and swung i ducked under his fist and kicked him in the Pelvis The blow made him slide but it was enough to make him unsteady."You really do take after your old man dont you" Bulk said.

"Tip for you to help yourself out. when you kick turn your leg before kicking and then it gives more power and can help you trying to get a opponent away" Bulk said. i smirk "You cant talk about balance though" I laugh and he growls at me. "Again" Bulk said and i smirk charging at him. He knew what i was going to do but i changed at the last minute and slid under Bulk and i kick him in the back hard sending him into the wall and it shatters as he fly's out.

"WHAT THE ALLSPARK" I hear a bot shout.

Ratchet Pov

I was looking at the Screens when something caught my Audio Receptors "Can i borrow you...for like an hour?" I listen but not looking over so i show that i dont care.  "What for?" Bulk said  with a little fear in it and i chuckled at it. "Training" I heard.

I knew this wont end well but i hear Bulk doing something then "Sorry kid i would but i hate holding back.." Bulk said and it only gave me a even bad feeling "Good" was all i heard and the bots were out i sigh knowing ill have to clean up the mess later.

After like 20 minutes i hear a crash and i jolted up and ran to were it happened.

"WHAT THE ALLSPARK" I shouted and i look at bulk upside down with Steelwing in THE OTHER ROOM! That's when Arcee,Bumble bee and Smokescreen came down the hallway to see the mess. "Omg Bulk you ok?!?!" I Hear Steelwing as she came from the rubble with barley anything on her while Bulk was leaking energon a little.

"I swear Steelwing your strong even for a Sparkling." Arcee said and looked at Steelwing and she rubbed the back of her neck. "Then she can clean all of this up" I said and helped Bulk up. "I need to patch you up come on" I said and Bulk nodded and left. "What did she do to you?!?!" I exclaimed when i see more dents in his body.

"She really caught me off guard thats all" Bulk said. "Don't be off Guard shes still Optimus's daughter..." I said and i finished patching him up. Talk of the devil. "What happened?" He asked as he changed to bot form. "ask your daughter shes cleaning the mess she made" Ratchet mumbled with a snap
and Optimus chuckled. "Shes a sparkling Ratchet how ba-" He was cut off with the hole in the wall and Steelwing cleaning up. "Oh" He said.

"Elita was also a prime so i wouldn't be be surprised" Optimus said and i dropped my tool. "ELITA WAS A PRIME?!?!" I yell and everyone heard. "Yes...but we kept that part a secret to the others." Optimus said. "No wonder she beat me..having the power of 2 primes must be hard to handle" Bulk said and he stood up.

"If she beat bulk then shes battle ready" Miko said but thats when Steelwing came from nowhere "Bulk was holding back...didn't matter if he did" SteelWing grumbled and glanced over to him. "I was going with my gut and my gut was wrong" Bulk said and she roll her optics and tap her Digits on her arm.

"Im going to do some target practice." Steelwing wave her servos and walked off. "Im going to test her" Ultra Magnus said and followed. "Those two are going to get me killed one day" I muttered and Optimus nodded. "Bumblebee,Arcee,bulkhead and Smokescreen....we are going on a mission" Optimus said bluntly and they came up to us.

Steelwing Pov

Its so frustrating! I shot a Target. Making a huge thing out of me being daughter of 2 primes when they haven't learnt anything about me. The only one that listens is Ultra Magnus and im happy hes my mentor and Uncle. "when aiming,close the optic that is on the opposite one to your blaster. if your using both keep them open" Ultra Magnus said.

I was lost in thought but paid attention and did as he said and made my aim way better. "Steelwing..whats on your mind?" He asked crossing his arms and leaning on the wall. "its nothing i swear to the allspark but,its just a little frustrating to think that im only know for as the daughter of prime...i want to be more then that" I sighed lowering my blasters.

"i understand how you feel...i was just Optimus brother...not many knew my real name so i changed that by becoming a commander" Ultra Magnus said and looked up to him. "standing out is something you earn like trust and gain all of it at an older age. Remember your still a sparkling and you have a lot to learn. But remember will always be remembered not as Optimus daughter. But as Steelwing the sparkling" Ultra Magnus smiled and i smiled back at him.

"Ultra Magnus we need you in here now" The voice of ratchet appears in out comm. "Ok ok we are coming" Ultra Magnus said and nodded me to follow him. "Optimus needs back up...they went scouting and was ambushed by Megatron himself. That Predacon is with them as well" Ratchet said. "Ok Ratchet open the ground bridge" Ultra Magnus said and looked at me.

"Stay here! No matter what" He said and i nodded. It was only because it was Megatron. He ran through and it only got worse from there

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter this is my first transformer book and i hope its not boring if not then Vote and comment!

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