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Ratchet POV
When SteelWing came through the ground bridge I was relieved and terrified. Dark Energon was killing her from the inside out. The matrix was barley keeping her alive. I flushed as much out as possible but some will still lie in her. That's when Optimus said what happened. "We will have to restrain her. It's the only logical option we have." I said and Optimus nodded in agreement. Wheeljack was out. He is resting in my berthroom. Not my choice.

He hasn't woken up yet so it's a relief. It's been a few hours everyone apart from Optimus are on missions. He hasn't left SteelWing side since she came back. Unfortunately she's restrained to the medical Beth. Chained both her arms and legs. Optimus held her servo and just looked at her. She's resting. Properly a good one in a long time.

You can hear metal scraping along the floor. Me and Optimus looked up as the wrecker came out. His face was horrified for what we had to do to SteelWing. "What's her condition doc?" He asked and I sighed. "Massive systems shut down and infected by dark Energon. And that Predacon poison. The matrix barely kept her alive this time" I said and he sighed.

"Why the frag is she chained up?" He asked and I sighed. "For our own protecting for when she awakes. She could lose control with dark Energon still in her system" Optimus explained. "how the jackhammer?" I asked and he sighed. "No chance of saving him. Dark Energon tore it apart." I said and he growled. "Megatron.."he muttered. "Come here I need to give you a checkup" I said and he limped over.

Everything was working his Pistons (muscles) in his leg were weak and needed training. I'll get Miko on that. It looked like Optimus fell into recharge. He's been busy protecting all of us. He hasn't had any time for recharge. I vented (sighed) and went onto the screens as bulk,smokescreen and ultra Magnus need a ground bridge.

When they came in I put a digit to my mouth plate and then point to Optimus. They nodded and Ultra Magnus had a smile plastered on his face. "And SteelWing?" Smokescreen asked and I looked over to her. "She will survive..maybe never function properly again" I looked to my pedes and Ultra Magnus put a servo on my shoulder plate. "You did a great job..we lucky to have you." I nodded. To be honest. I'm exhausted I haven't recharged since SteelWing left.

I can feel energy draining from my body but I stayed strong like SteelWing did. Suddenly movement caught my Optics as I turned to the medical berth as SteelWing moved and winced in pain. It woke Optimus and her Optics flickered back online.

SteelWing POV
My vision was blurry and I could hear voices as I flickered back online I couldn't move and I panicked a little and tried to brake out. Then I heard a voice. "SteelWing it's me" I turn to see the bot I most cared about.

He held my servo and I wince as a shock of dark Energon wen through my systems and shocked dads. He stepped back in pain. I froze. I hurt my sire. "I'm sorry!" I yelled. I flinch as Ratchet started to work on me. "You condition was horrendous you was what humans call at death door" Ratchet said and I sighed looking up to the ceiling.

"Why am I chained?" I asked and try froze. "You can't remember what happened?" Bulk said. The ground bridge opened and the others came in. "SteelWing?!" Arcee said and walked over to me. "EP EP EP!  She is still unstable" Ratchet yelled. "She can't remember what she did" Dad said and I was so confused. Then Wheeljack came out and smiled. "Hey kid" he smirked and I looked at him. I froze. Seeing all the wounds on him.

I did that?!? Another shot of dark Energon hits my system and I held in a yell. But it was powerful enough to brake the chains. I groan and say up. "Wheeljack.." I looked at his wounds. "The jackhammer saved me...he won't be flying anymore though" Jackie said and I looked at my servos. I'm a monster. Then it hit me. I opened my chest and the disk came out. And I past it to ratchet.

"I wouldn't have this without Soundwave" I said and everyone froze. "Your saying Soundwave. Lord Megatron most loyal minion helped you escape!" Bee beeped and I nodded. "He spoke" I said and dad optics widen. "But he hasn't spoken since..." Arcee said and I finished. "Since he spoke against Megatron" I said and they were thinking. I slowly stood up. I moved my servos,arms and digits to make sure everything is working. A shot of dark Energon attacked me again and I stumbled a little.

"Scrap" I muttered. "Easy SteelWing" Ratchet said and I  was determined. I forced myself to start walking. "SteelWing!" Ratchet growled and thew a wrench. I caught it with by back to him. I smirked. Missing his wrench of doom."I could use this" I said and walked away. Ratchet grumbled as I walked to the arena. I had a limp on with me and I looked around. "Who need a wrench" I smirked and dropped it and pulled the staff out.

I made the staff grow so when I when it is standing it was about half the size of my. I spun it and did a few battle tactics. The dark Energon strikes again and I fell to my knees. I shook it off and carried on. I was letting all my anger out of this. The thought of Megaton made me mad. I slammed the staff down and Energon shards appeared around me. I froze "WHAT THE FRAG!!" I yelled and Optimus,Ratchet,Ultra Magnus and Predaking came running in. They froze at the site.

"We don't need to attack Energon mines anymore" I said and then the most powerful wave of dark Energon I got hit me. I yelled and fell to my knees. "That's enough for today" Ratchet said as Predaking picked me up and walked me to my berthroom. "You scared me you know." He said not giving my Optic contact. I smirked. "Look Who's getting soft" I smirked and he dropped me and I land with a thud.

"PREDAKING!!!!" I yell and he laughs. "Don't call me soft" he smirks and I stand and punch him lightly on the shoulder plate before going into my berthroom and looking at the room.

I'm home.

Ok so it's not that important but I just need to let you know I need AutobotXOC and I have a few and since NOBODY IS COMMENTING AND ITS TRIGGERING I'm going to keep annoying all of you until I get a score 😂😂 so it's
Wheeljack (he's got 1)
Bumblebee (got 1)
Smokescreen(got 0)
And Predaking got 0 to COMMENT AND VOTE! Or I'll choose 😂😂

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