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SteelWing POV

I was in my study working like crazy trying to decode something Ratchet gave me a week ago but nothing. I slammed my servo into the desk and slam my helm. I heard a chuckle and it was Wheeljack leaning of the door frame. "Don't laugh!" I yelled. "First time I've seen you rage about something and that's saying something" Wheeljack said and I rolled my optics.

"I've got work to do" I said but Wheeljack grabbed me. "No. How about we do some practise fighting..and I'll get Predaking help with you Predacon mode." Wheeljack said I yell as he pulls me out of the room and drags me down the halls. You could hear bulk and Miko following. "Go easy on her Jackie" I hear bulk say and that hit a nerve. I spun and looked at bulk he was taller then me but he flinched. "Talking to the one that I thew through a wall!" I snapped and Miko burst out laughing with Wheeljack smirking. "Wow bulk...you got your alt beaten by a sparkling" Wheeljack said and I smirked at him. "Now it's your turn and also I'm no longer a sparkling" I said walking into the fighting arena.

"FIGHT" Miko yells and we were already in out fighting stance. "First lets practise just servo to servo" Jackie said and I nodded. Wheeljack came for me and swung a punch but it was an easy block and I side kick him making him slide. I didn't kick him as hard as I could. "Don't hold back!" He yells and I sigh. "Your asking for it" I said and as I kicked he caught it. "Need to be faster" Jackie said as he thew me. I got my balance and as I almost hit the wall I used it as a push and I punched Jackie he slid a lot.

An hour has past and we just been practising servo to servo and blocking. We did some target practise and sword. It was time to pull out he big guns. Alpha Trion staff was In my hand and Jackie had his katanas."Watch it Jackie she hasn't lost a fight with that staff" Bulk reminded him and he nodded we went to serious. If either of us make a wrong move one will end on a medical bed. Jackie charged first. I use the staff to block it and kicked him away.

"Use all you weapons I mean all of them."
I said and Jackie smirked. He thew the Grenade and I slam the staff into the ground making a protective barrier around the bomb right before it explodes the noise was painful but nothing was damaged. It caught Ratchs attention. "What in all primus are you doing in there!" We froze. "Practising?" I said and he sighs. "Brake anything and you get the Wrench" Ratchet said and we nodded.

I did notice Jackie trying to get the sneak up but I spun my staff turned into a sword and Jackie just blocks it. I forgot he had another one and used my leg to kick it out of his hand. "Nice" Miko said and I jumped back and it changed back into the staff. "You done well today" Jackie said and I smirked. "So you accept defeat?" I said and he shook his head. "Call it a draw. Anyway Ratchet needs us at the medical bay now" Jackie said and we all walked into the Medical bay and looked at Ratchet and Optimus.

"I have decoded another set or coordinates and properly same goes for Soundwave so we must take action now" Dad said and we nodded. "unfortunately I bealive its in a cave so Predaking can't go...and I want Wheeljack to stay here because he likes his Grenades" Ratchet said looking at Jackie and he rubbed the back of his helm. "We only need 4 Autobots for this mission. So it will be Bulkhead,bumblebee and SteelWing" dad said. "Why only 4?" I asked and he looked down at me and smiled a little. "It is only a small mission and we have plenty of backup if anything goes wrong." Dad said and I nodded. We then all went through the bridge.

As we came out we looked at the cave. "Me and Bumblebee will stay outside and guard the Entrance while you and Bulk go into the cave" I suggested and dad nodded and they both left. "Hey bee" I asked and he turned to me. "Let's say that...something happened to me...something really bad...what would you do?" I asked and bee didn't know what to say. "Hmm I don't know...I depends what happened" he beeped and I smiled. "You have a good point" I said and I felt something. Something coming and something fast.

"Defence stance now bee" I said and we looked around. Something landed to the ground. It roared and you can see dark Navy blue wings. "It's a Predacon..BEE GO WARN THE OTHERS" I yelled and he tried to comm them but the comm are not working. "I'll be back!" He beeped and ran into the cave. Then I ran. The Predacon was chuckling? But I smirked and I transform into my Predacon mode. It's optics widen and we smash heads. We spoke in Predacon language. "Who are you?!?" He screeched. "Names SteelWing.. Daughter of Optimus Prime...the prime of life...and related to a Predacon...I have a lot of titles" I said and I pushed him away.

I slammed my wings down making the earth come up and smash into the Predacon. "Your turn who are you?" I growled and we circled each over. "Names Navyblade and I'm a clone of Shockwave...but I'm not a traitor like Predaking" he growled and I snapped grabbing his neck and slamming him into the wall. His tail opened up to somthing and he jabbed me with it. I screeched in pain but it didn't last long. The Autobots came running out to help me but it only distracted me and the Predacon slammed me into the wall and I was forced back into bot mode. I tried to stand but no luck.

He pinned me down with his massive claw. It's tail was going to jab me again. But all I saw was a flash of Yellow and black and Bumblebee protected me but got jabbed. My optics widen. Predaking came through and that's when he retreated. "SteelWing..." Bumblebee said before he shut down. "BUMBLEBEE" I screamed and everyone froze. I felt a servo on my shoulder plate. "Come on SteelWing...Bee gone." Bulk said trying not to cry and tried to pick me up but I refused. "I won't give up on bee" I growled. The growl scared bulk.

I forced myself to stand and picked up bee. I barely had enough strength walk and I forced myself to walk through the ground bridge. Ratchets eyes widen as I came in with bee. Raf shakes. Holding his hands to his mouth and fell onto his knees. Jack and Miko comforting Raf. I grit my dentas and put Bumblebee on the medical bed. "He's not leaving us..." I took out the matrix of life Dad Optics widen. "Not by a long shot" as I said that I put the matrix into Bumblebee spark. I stumbled back And fell but Wheeljack caught me and placed me on the ground gently but I felt pain that poisoned bumblebee and it stung. I grit my dentas in pain but I was doing a good job not showing it. "Come on..." I muttered.

A gasp came from bumblebee and the Matrix came back out and into my hand. I quickly put it back into my spark and sighed in relief. "Bumblebee will be out for a few hours" Ratchet said but I was gone. They hear a door close. I sighed and went over to the screen. "I have to decode it... It might have the cure.." I muttered and I kept on decoding. Dad came in a few hours later."Your up late..." He said and walked in I didn't realise it was 11 at night. "I want to decode it" I said and he looked at it. "I couldn't decode it...it is hard to do...even the Decepticons wouldn't Be able to" he said then he looked at me.

"Something happened when you took the Matrix out...you felt pain. What was it. I growled a little. "Nothing" I muttered and he slammed his servo onto the table. "DONT LIE TO ME!" He yelled and I stood up. I was shocked at his outrage. The others were watching awaken by his yelling.. Ratchet was all ready awake. I growled and turned to walk out but dad grabbed me arm. "I'm sorry...I don't like seeing you like this" he said calmly. "Fine...do you really wanna know...I'm infected" Ratchet crossed his arms.

"I'm infected by the same poison that killed bee" I said and dad optics widen. "Why didn't you tell us." Because it won't affect me because I have the matrix of life...can't die when I have it in my spark" I reminded everyone and they nodded. "I didn't expect the Matrix to come out that's all" I said. "I have work to do...I hope you don't mind and I'm going to finish it." I said and Dad nodded leaving. And I went back to work.

Optimus POV

My outrage caught Ratchet attention. "What in primus was that about" he said and I sighed looking at bumblebee. "I thought we lost him..then thinking about losing SteelWing...it makes me angry" I sighed. "It doesn't make you angry it makes you feel fear...fear that you try and hide." Ratchet said and I sighed. He was right.

"I'm leaving SteelWing at base unless it's an Emergancy. She had work to do here that will keep her busy." I said and Ratchet nodded and went back to keeping bee stable. We almost lost bee and SteelWing I'm risking the lives of my Autobots...and we failed to get that vile...now it's in the hands of the Decepticons.

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