Steelwings arrival

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Steelwing Pov

I crashed my ship into a forest as it hit the floor i jolted awake i looked around with my Unique Blue optics but they had a Tint of pink on them.

It's been a few hours but then I hear the sound of a ground bridge open and i realized my door was jammed "Scrap!" I yell. The door busts open and i see a Vehicon. I aim my blaster at him making a pink color and i shoot as i jumped out. I was a 12000 year old Cybertronian (so i would be 12 if i was human) and my pant job was a baby blue with my white highlights.

I shot a few more Decepticons then i Changed to my blades and when a Vehicon shot at me i focused and i sliced through its shot and the half shots hit the floor. they all flinched and stepped back. Suddenly another ground bridge opened that caught me off guard as a Decepticon shot me and i fly into the wall i groan and collapse to my knees then a Vehicon knocks me out.

Optimus Pov

"Optimus" Ratchet calls as i walk over to him. The medic was scanning the screen and then a image pops up. "Apparently it crashed a few hours ago" Ratchet said. Then it attracts the rest of the Autobots. "Maybe its one of us?" Bee beeped. " could be a Decepticon trap as well." Arcee added.

"Ratchet...zoom in on the image" I ordered and when he did the Autobot emblem appeared. "Its one of our own" Bulk head said."Wait isnt that a sparkling pod...i remember in the war sparklings were sent off world to be landed here?" Smokescreen looked up at me and i nodded. "Bumble Bee your in charge of Ground bridge...We might need Ratchet for Medical help" I said and Bee opened the  Ground bridge.

We came out with our Blasters ready we see a baby blue and white Sparkling get knocked out and started to be dragged. She was smaller then Arcee and we needed to get her before Megatron does. I Shot my blaster hitting one of the Vehicons. "Let the sparkling go" I say and they start shooting and one of there ground bridges open.

I shot the 2 that were dragging the sparkling and she falls to the floor. After shooting a few more Vehicons i see shes gone and my eyes widen. "LETS GO TEAM PRIME!" Smokescreen calls having the sparkling in what humans call bridle style and we ran into our Ground bridge.

Ratchet Pov

"Bring the sparkling over to the medical bed" Ratchet called as Smokescreen put the sparkling down. She looks familiar but i cant put my finger on it. "Ratchet is she ok?" Optimus asked walking over to the medical area. "Shes stable....i patched her wound....shes lucky..a few more inches and lights out" I said looking at my screen.

"her vitals look in cheak and brain waves are normal....she should wake up soon...i dont trust her still...something about her" I said and Optimus puts his hand on my shoulder. "Shes trustful....i know it...she looks familiar" Optimus said and i sigh and work on something else.

Steelwings Pov

I was slowly opening my Optics and i look around and slowly sit up. Nobody was around. I slowly stand but as soon as i did a Orange and white Cybertronian comes in and his Optics widen and he ran over to me and pushed me back onto the bed. "Ep! Ep! Ep! I want you to make a full recovery." He said and i layed back down as six other Bots came into the room.

I jolted up a little scared and the Orange and white one pushed me back down. "Its ok little one we are Autobots. My name is Optimus Prime and you already met Ratchet i see" The Red and blue bot said and he looks familiar. I look at the others the Yellow muscle car was also familiar. "Im bumble bee" The car beeped. "Names bulk" The large green one said.

"Im Arcee" The female bot said. "Names smokescreen" the blue and yellow bot pointed out. "I am Ultra Magnus" The smaller blue one said. Those you look a lot alike. "i Steelwing" I said and Ultra Magnus and Optimus looked a little shocked. "Welcome to team prime Steelwing!" I looked down at a small organism.

One was a female with black hair in two buns with a pint of pink a Boy with messy Raven hair and a young one with brown hair and glasses. "umm" I said i couldn't say anything. "There humans...we are in charge of protecting them..The girl is Miko the taller boy is Jack and the smaller one is Raf" Bulk said and he gave me a smile.

I kept an eye on Optimus and then the humans called me over and i played video games with them.

Ultra Magnus Pov

" it really your daughter? M-My niece" I shuttered and he nodded. "Cant believe she survived and a miracle shes on earth." Optimus said. I wonder if he will tell her. "Will you tell her?" I asked and he nods

"im going to tell her tomorrow ad ill send everyone on a scouting. I'll leave Ratchet here he should be the first to know." Optimus stated and i nodded and walked away before i hear a yell. "I BEAT YOU" Steelwing yells and the humans laugh. Shes more like Elita. She would be proud.

Hope you liked the first chapter of Through my eyes. its not as long as i hoped it would be but ill make longer chapters if you want i have to go Transform and roll out!

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