The final battle

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Optimus gets wrecked by buckethead

SteelWing POV

I stood glaring at Megatron smug face. Navyblade in his Predacon mode. Dreadwing with his cannon. Knockout glaring at bumblebee. Shockwave with his cannon ready to fire at ultra Magnus and Soundwave. And the army of seekers that just transformed. Megatron shot fire. I jumped in front and blocked the blasts that hit the barrier. Navyblade slammed into it making me stumble back into bulk.

"Throw me!" I yelled and he did just that. I transformed to Predacon mid flight and slammed onto navy blade and jumped off heading for the space bridge. "DONT LET HER NEAR THE BRIDGE!" Megatron yelled as he and Dad clashed.  Predaking was keeping Navyblade away while I ran towards the bridge. Wait... I stopped. "STEELWING GO!" Predaking yelled. I stopped as starscream transformed and landed in front of me (scared me a little)

"What a lovely surprise" he said and launched a missile at me. I groaned as I caught it and slid back. I send it right back at him and he dodged it. Hitting the space bridge. But a barrier was up. I knew it. I kicked starscream and we got into a full on fist on fist. He kicked me in the Stomach and I groaned. I transformed to Predacon and looked down at him. I roared and it sent him flying.

A shot hit me and drew my attention. I looked over at Megatron who took down dad. I froze. "I would stop or else" he said aiming the cannon at dad. Everyone stopped. I realised knockout and the fliers were out. Bulk got knockout and Wheeljack went back to base with bulk. Miko was forced back into the ground bridge since it was getting to dangerous. It's me,bee,Arcee,ultra Magnus, Predaking and smokescreen were left. Soundwave vanished. He wants nothing else to do with the war and will join us at cybertron when the war is over.

The only things that stood in our way was Megatron,Navyblade,Dreadwing and shockwave. "Give up Megatron your the one outnumbered this time" I said looking at him. "Yet I have the only chance of your Autobots survival in this war." He said as his cannon got ready to fire. "Wait!" I yelled and he stopped and stood down. "What do you want?" I asked and he walked over to me and towered me. "I want to teach you that you shouldn't trick the Decepticon leader" He said with a smirk.

I sighed and thew my staff to bee and looked at him. "Do your worse!" I yelled and he smirked. He kicked me and I stumbled back to the floor. I looked at them and at Optimus and they got the idea and ran over. He booted me into a rock wall. I held in a yell. I got battered and bruised before they got dad to his feet. He kicked me again and I let out a yell. Dad looked over and his face showed pure rage. "MEGATRON" I was ready for the next kick but it never happened dad punched him in the helm and sent him flying. "Lord Megatron we are ready..and this is our last chance. It's the last of the dark Energon and its in its most powerful form." Shockwave said and he laughed.

"Prepare for the greatest war to ever come to this planet." Megatron yelled as the dark Energon got shot into the space bridge. "NO!" I yelled as the dark Energon ran into the portal. My head got dizzy as I felt the power from cybertron. I have to stop it. But how? If I don't. The world is finished. I stood there blanking out the world. Everyone was falling. I turn slowly towards Megatorn and Optimus they both shot at the same time. A optics spark and everything flashed

The two shots are fired and they both get shot. They both collapse to the floor. Then another me appeared. "This is impossible" I muttered as the other me ran towards dad and sat with him. " Please... Sire" the other me said and I felt Energon drip from my optics. Is this real? Or the future? I thought I looked over to Megatron and he's on the floor. No spark in him when they shot. The shots must've missed and him each over in the helm. "NO!!!" I screamed and I see Ratchet run through the bridge and his optics widen. "Optimus..." Ratchet asked and sat down with SteelWing. NO NO NO!!! Dad will die?!? IM NOT LETTING THE AUTOBOTS LOSE DAD WE NEED HIM!

I came back to the real world as Optimus and Megatron shot at each over "NO!!" I yell and ran for the shots and took both of them with an explosion.

Optimus POV

"STEELWING!!!" I yelled and as the dust settled I hear deep venting. I see a weak steeling just barley standing. "RATCHET GROUND BRIDE!" Bee screamed into the comm and the bridge came up. Ratchet ran through looking at the state she's in. "" He muttered. She coughed and limped towards the bridge that had the army of dead Predacons swarming in. "Bucket head!" She yells at Megatron

He turned her. "End this war...there no point. Find someone that will love you for who you are. Not for what you are." She said and Energon was leaking badly from her. The matrix of life appeared in her servo and the thew it to me. I caught it. "Go to the well of sparks.. It will revive cybertron. Don't be sad. Like Alpha Trion said..I'm meant to be more then this. Meant for greater things. Now go..." She said. The staff appeared in her hand and she slams it into the control panels.

"WARNING WARNING SYSTEM SHUT DOWN PUT ON MELTDOWN WILL EXPLODE IN 40 SECONDS." The femme speaker said and was going to run for her but Ratchet stopped me. "She wants to do this. I wouldn't have been able to heal her. She wants to die knowing she did something important." Ratchet said. I looked back at her. She was smiling. I look at the matrix and nodded. We got to the bridge just as it explodes.

General POV

The Autobots look back at the bridge. "SteelWing?" Bulk asked. "We're the frag is she?!" Wheeljack asked. "She's one will the allspark" Optimus said with emotion  walking away from the others. Ultra Magnus face changes. He also walks away. "She can't be dead!!" Miko yelled crying. "Miko" Arcee said. "DONT YOU EVER MIKO ME! STEELWING WAS MY PARTNER!!!" She yells. "MIKO!" Ratchet outrage scared most of them.

"She wanted to die like that. She knew I had no chance of saving her wounds. All the Decepticons our mostly out. The only ones that survived are Megatron, Dreadwing, Navyblade, knockout and shockwave. His army is dead. The war is over. And we have a way to restore cybertron." Ratchet said and Miko looked down. "So your leaving us as well" Jack joined in. Arcee sighed. "Bulk. Bee take your charges home." Arcee told the two mechs and they nodded and transformed. And drove out.


"Megatron hasn't spoken much. And it's just us left what do we do?" Knockout asked Dreadwing as they walked down the quite hallways. "Lord Megatorn will tell us what to do when the time comes." Dreadwing said. Then comm came in. "All Decepticons come to the Bridge" Megatron voice echoed through the corridors. Everyone made and it Lord Megatron stood up. "The war is over. There is no point of fighting anymore" Megatorn said and he stood from his throne. "But my lord" Navyblade said but Megatron stopped him.

"It is megatronous I'm no longer Lord. Let's contact the Autobots. They shall have the key to restore cybertron and they need a way to get there. He pressed a button as the Autobot voices came in. Non of Which belonged to Optimus. "What do you want Lord Megatron" Ratchet voice came in and Megatron sighed. "It's Megatronus..and the war is over" He said and ratchet froze for a second. Then the prime voice came in. "Is this true the war really over" Optimus asked. "I swear on my spark and the spark of...SteelWing" Megatronous said and Optimus sighed in relief. "Optimus...Orion I think it's time to bring our dead planet" he paused.

"Back to life"

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