Steelwing purpose

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SteelWing POV

I was walking around base and seeing that the humans and there guardians were not here. My optics gazed into Ratchet and he looks at me. "Something wrong?" He asked in an annoyed tone. Great he's in one of those moods. I sighed and spoke up. "Where is everyone?" I asked and he didn't leave his optics from the screens. "Arcce,bulk and bumblebee are with the humans. Optimus,smokescreen and ultra Magnus are on a mission and Wheekjack had gone missing." Ratchet said and I tilted my helm when he spoke about Jackie.

"What do you mean Wheeljack gone missing?" I said and Ratchet looked at me. "He went back to the jackhammer and he's trying to fix it after an attack that damaged it. Why?" He asked with a suspicious tone. "No reason..." I trailed off and then looked at the screen. "Your calibrating the Energon levels to high" I said and walked off. You hear a what and then a grunt from Ratchet and I chuckle and go to the training area.

It brought back memories. When I thew bulk through the wall when me dad and uncle Magnus had a and Wheekjack. And even me and bumblebee practise. I sighed and punched the wall. I let out a sigh. "There no point to all this...why can't Megatron see that?" I muttered and then a lightbulb hit my head. A stupid lightbulb but a lightbulb. And my staff appeared in my hand.

I practise the speed of the staff changing and how I can use it in difficult situations I thew the staff and imagine it coming back but it would just fall to the floor. I growled and picked it up and tried again. Still nothing. I was frustrated and just thew it. But i didn't hear it drop to the floor. I look down to see it in my hand. I smirked and started to practise just using the staff since I might not always have enough time to change it.

I slammed the staff to the floor and it glowed. I froze as the Holoform of Alpha Trion appeared. "SteelWing..I see you have now got the staff. How do I know it's you? Because I made it Only for you to control...nobody can control it not even the hand of a prime." He said and I relaxed and looked at the staff. "Your meant to do more in this universe then to just fight the Decepticons. Your worth something more. I do not care that you are related to two primes. That should not matter. Not when you have a power to do something greater." I stepped forward.

"How do you know?" I asked and he. Smiled? "You will know when you find out? All of the primes will be watching you. And your father" Alpha Trion said and I nodded. The Holoform starts to deteriorate. "Tell Smokescreen that I'm proud to have him as a elite guard." He said and the staff fell.

Ratchet was watching and I looked at him before a shot of pain went through my systems and I fell to my knees. Ratchet ran in and caught me. "Easy SteelWing." He said and I groaned. That's when Arcee, bulk and bumblebee came in. "Hey ratchet were back-" bulk said and they walked in on Ratchet helping my drained body up. Arcee optics widen. Bumblebee helped me up a little. "What happened?" Bee beeped (bee talk will be in bold from now on) "I got a message from Alpha Trion." I muttered weakly and Ratchet stopped me.

"That's enough you need rest. That message was longer then Optimus message so more Energon was needed so I want you to stay in medical bay tonight because I want to keep an optic on you." He said and I sighed. Great I'm stuck on bed rest. Bumblebee and Ratchet sat me on the medical bed and that's when Smokescreen came in with Uncle Magnus and dad. They looked at me and Smokescreen was the first to talk.

"woah!" He said and the other two looked over. "What happened?" Dad asked and I explained that Alpha Trion and I had a conversation. He was confused and surprised and then I turned to Smokescreen. "He said that he's proud of you." I said to him hay made him smile. But frown at the same time. "Does that mean?" He said and I shook my head. "I don't know if he's with the allspark..he could be alive" I said and he sighed in relief. "Wait...he has to be else did we talk to each over?!?" I pointed out and it was a moment of silence.

It was a dead room until Smokescreen spoke in. "We will worry about that later...we need to know what the Decepticons are planning it sounds like from our battle Megatron has a plan...a BIG plan" he said and a flash hit my optics. "I know what we need to do" I said and they looked at me. "We going to brake into there main base" i said and Ratchet came in. "You have to be completely MAD we can't just brake into the nemesis you asking for a death wish!" Ratchet yelled but I shook my head. "One of us is going to join the Decepticons" I said and everyone looked at me confused but Ratchet and Optimus caught on so did Jack.

"Earn there trust and then use that to give the Autobots hidden data that can help us win the war" Jack said and Bumblebee looked up. "Who's going to risk it?" Bee asked and I looked at them.

"I am"

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