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SteelWing POV

I was still decoding something Ratchet gave me. Since I'm stuck in base and not allowed to leave I've mostly been trying to decode and help the humans as much as possible with homework and boredom Dad is been to overprotective of me at this moment. I sigh and heard the door open. It was Bulk. "Hey how you doing" he asked and I turned to him. "Can't get past this fire wall...I might get Raf" I said and Bulk looked at the screen. "I know that" Bulk said and I froze. "WHAT?!?!" I yell and he laughs.

"I'm not the smartest one here but that's the code of the wreckers no wonder you or Optimus didn't know this." Bulk said and I stand up letting him sit down. I smirked as he worked and went into the main room. "I think Bulk smarter then me" I said I think I scared Ratchet a little and I hear a small chuckle from bumblebee. "That coding me and Optimus couldn't is apparently the code of the wreckers" I said and Jackie head popped up.

"Let me see" he said and I lead all of them to my room and see Bulk decoding the coordinates. "Wow...bulk is decoding" Arcce mocked and Bulk look over. "I think I'm done most of it but the rest is a puzzle to me now. I narrow my optics and went over to my screen and my optics widen. Bulk moves and I start typing fast.

"No way!" I yell. "What?!?" Bulk said. "A Autobot signal..on earth!" I said and downloaded the coordinates to the ground bridge. "Dad is away so I'm thinking that Bulk and Jackie go..and take Predaking for backup" I said and Jackie roll his optics "we don't call for back up..." Bulk started. Then both together. "We call for clean up!" They said in unison I had a mocking smirk with a 'really?'face. "Go get lost" I laughed and they went into the ground bridge.

---a few moments---

"Bulk to base we need back up it was a old Decepticon trap with scraplets" bulk yells into the comm. I froze and slammed the handle down and two wreckers and a beat up Predaking came in. The damage wasn't bad but Predaking had sparks coming off him. I sigh and I pull out my staff and I tap bulk and Jackie and they heal. "The staff can't heal a lot so your in the hands of Ratchet" I said to Predaking and he walked Over to medical bay and I looked at the wreckers. "You ok?"I asked with pure worry (and that never happens) but Bulk walked away. "What?" I asked and Jackie sighed.

"When we got there. It was a Autobot signal. It was a wreckers ship as well. We went in and saw one of our wreckers in scrap...we looked around. The Autobot was so beaten up we couldn't tell who it was." Jackie said and I put my servo on his shoulder plate. "That's when the scraplets attacked it looked like they had a infestation and they didn't know about it." Jackie said and I sighed.

"How long has the wrecker Been dead?" I asked and he looked up at me. "Just a few human weeks" he said and I froze. "I see...I'm going to see if Ratchet needs help" i said and I left the wrecker alone. It's all my fault. If I just decoded the coordinates faster we would have a wrecker on our side. I didn't realise but I punched the wall in my room leaving a dent In it. "Scrap" I muttered.

I pulled out the staff and it grew to my size. I make a force field around me and just messed around with the device. Making it change into different items. Even Dark Energon. I didn't mean to put when I say it I thew it on the floor and it changed back to normal. I relaxed and picked it up. I examined it. I was able to change it into the star sabre. And the dark star sabre. I could change it into the other relics with no hesitation and the more I used it the faster is would change form.

Then the door to my room opened and it was Predaking and he looked at the dent in the wall. "Safe to come in? Don't want to be near a Predacon femme when she's mad" said Predaking and I chuckled and put the staff in my chest in a small size. "I felt your energy off...what's wrong?" He asked sittings on the side of my bed. "It's nothing...just something stupid" I said and he growled a little. "Your a horrible lier" he said and I sighed. "Take after Optimus then" I said trying to change the
subject but it didn't work.

"The truth is...if I was able to decode that set off coordinates faster...we could have a new wrecker with us" I look down to the floor. "Don't blame yourself! It wasn't your fault!" He said..more like yelled. "It is! I'm pathetic excuses for a coder!" I yelled and we went into a full on blown argument. I won because Predaking gave up and left.

I punched the wall again. "why is this so complicating!" I yelled and that's when Uncle came in. "Umm hello uncle" I said and looked at him. "The only reason it's complicating is because it's called Guilt." Uncle said leaning on the door frame. I sigh. "I failed that Autobot" I said and he looked at me. "The difference between shame and guilt is the the difference between I am bad and I did something bad" Uncle said I was completely confused but he pulled me into a hug but he closed the door so his soft side couldn't bee seen. "Thanks Uncle" I said and he broke the hug. "Here..decode these for me" he said with a smirk and I jumped into the computer and started working.

Sorry it's short but I am tired and can't be bothered GOODNIGHT!

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