He knows

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Ultra Magnus Pov

I went through the ground bridge and it was a nightmare. Arcee was with Arachnid, Bulk with with Breakdown, Bumble bee was with Knockout and Smokescreen was with Predaking and needed help so i ran over just as Pedaking was about to strike Smokescreen and i kicked him into the wall.

"To close there solider" I told him helping him up.  "You try doing this alone sir" Smokescreen said and we both went back to back as Pedaking changed to his Beast mode.

I see Optimus with Megatron and thought about Steelwing but came out as the Predacon shot a flame at me i jumped and dodged it. "Smokescreen!" I yell. He runs and jumps. As he starts falling he became in front of me and i spun and i kicked out. Our pedes combined as the connection was made sending Smokescreen flying into Predaking and was able to take him down. He was standing on Predaking victorious.

"Well done green bean" Bumble bee said limping over energon leaking. "Bumble bee!" Smokescreen yelled and ran over catching Bumble bee as he fell. "Knockout....what he does to us...that sports car weakling" Bee beeped. "Ratchet we need a ground bridge" i asked but it was static.

"Cons must be jamming our signals" Bee beeped aggressively. We heard a yell and Arcee got sent flying but lands on her Pedes and made her arm into her two small swords and flew at Arachnid and they collide.

As for Bulkhead he finished his fight ages go after Knockout left Breakdown followed. It was optimus and Megatron that worried me. There going full force and Megatron looks to be winning. But it keeps changing every time. One time Optimus will take over then Megatron will. I know this for sure there almost equal.

I think Optimus will need a upper player to win this War. And i know its Steelwing. I spun as reinforcements came. We might not make it out this time.

Ratchet Pov

"Ratchet you have to let me out there! Something isnt right...and your no better in the field!" Steelwing yell. For the pat five minutes we have been arguing about letting me let Steelwing go as reinforcement. "Ultra Magnus let alone YOUR uncle! told me to keep you here!" i stated back trying to win this argument.

"AND YET IF I DON'T GO OUT THERE WE WONT KNOW IF EVERYONE IS DEAD!" Steelwing yell stating the obvious and not sugar coating it. "There going to kill me. But your right...something isnt right with our communications at this moment in time so your going to have to show me live feed of it...FINE!" I yell. "Your only in long enough to get everyone out got it?" I said and she nodded.

"Start the ground bridge" Steelwing said in a serious voice and i nodded and she ran through.

SteelWing Pov

As i ran through the ground bridge i flinched and my arm changes into my Sword and as i jumped out Megatron Sword came down on me and i blocked it. I ground bridged in the middle of Megatron and Dad. "Who are yo-" Megatron asked but stopped and looked at my eyes. He laughed. Scrap...hes figured it out.

I didn't give him the change to talk and i kick him sending him flying across the canyons and he hits a wall about 100 feet away and everyone stopped fighting. I look down at dad hes injured badly. "BACK TO BASE!" I yell and they nodded and ran over to Optimus and started dragging him into the bridge. Uncle turned around.

"Steelwing?" Ultra Magnus asked. "Have to keep that Bucket head busy" i stated as a bast shots past me. I didn't flinch.

"You better beat his Skid-plate" Smokescreen said and helped up Optimus so did Ultra Magnus. "ill be back soon" I smirked. As Megatron jumped i turned and got in a defensive stand and blocked him. I heard the ground bridge go and i kick him sending him flying. "All i need to do is stay alive long enough for Ratchet to get me a bridge." I muttered and he laughed.

"So your that sparkling my men failed to capture?" His voice would send anyone Bipdalism cord tingle. But not mine. And that is what going to keep me alive. "Yea...and your that Bucket head that fails to scrap me and my friends" I said he Clenched his dentas and charged.

We clashed and he shot his cannon at the same time i jumped back and changed my arms into a blaster and i shot at the ground below Megatron making dust flow up. "Very cleaver....Just like Optimus" He said teasing me. I appear in the Dust as my Sword scraped his Helm.

"Fast as well...Just like Elita One" He said and i snapped and shot at him as I spun and got him in the optics making him blind. I changed vehicle mode and spun a circle around him making more dust come up and drove off. "You want a hunt? Well then. Lets hunt" Megatron laughed and changed into his Alt mode and flew in the direction i went in.

Ratchet Pov

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHES FIGHTING MEGATRON"  I yelled as i was patching Optimus up from his fight with Megatron. "She said she had to keep him busy until you were able to send a ground bridge" Ultra Magnus said and i sigh after patching up Optimus.

"I cant get her at this moment in time. Megatron Dark energon is messing with the ground bridge and i cant find her" I said and looked at Bumble bee. "As soon as im done with bee ill try and figure out how to find her" i said and bee beeped. "Steelwing first...im not in huge injury only Optimus was." Bee beeped.

"as you wish...now lets find Steelwing" I said and rushed to my screens and did my best. "Come one ratchet Steelwing dead if you dont find her." Bulk muttered and i growled hearing him but then something shocking happen and it wasn't good.

"Oh Primus" I muttered. "What?!?!" Bee beeped. "Steelwing life signal is weak really weak but i can contact her location Megatron has left" i said trying to get her coordinates. "Ok i got it" I said activating her coordinates. "Find her" I said and they nod.

Steelwing Pov (go back 30 mins)

Thinking i lost Megatron i went into the canyons and transformed. "I think i lost him..." I muttered. "Nice try young one...it takes more then that to lose me" Megatron said as i dodged a punch to the helm. The other punch got me and thew me into the wall. I groan and stood. I was leaking energon.

"How did i not know about you?" Megatron asked looking at me. "Your eyes are different to a normal Cybertronian....your important...and im going to turn you into my own weapon" Megatron said and he open his Sword and stabbed me in the stomach.

I groan in pain as energon leaked bad. I yell and shot him in the helm sending him flying. I shot a few more times making the Canyons unstable and it collapse onto me and Megatron. Then i saw nothing but darkness.

When i came to. I heard a ground bridge and it was the Autobots. "Steelwing!" I hear Uncle and Bulk yell. I push hard on the rock and it rolls out of my way and i fell onto my knees leaking energon like crazy. "Steelwing!" Bee beeped and ran over to me. He picked me up and i looked up at him."I did it....i beat Megatron." I said weakly before passing out.

Bee Pov

As soon as we got the ground bridge up we ran through and i couldn't see a thing. I think we were standing at what use to be a canyon. "It must've collapsed" I beeped and they nodded. "STEELWING" Bulk and Ultra Magnus yelled. Suddenly a rock fell out the way and our blasters came out.

We heard a thud and i see Steelwing leaking like crazy. "Steelwing!" i yelled and i ran over to her and picked her up. "I did it....i beat M-Megatron" she muttered before passing out. "You sure did" I beeped. "Ratchet we need imminent ground bridge!" I said and a ground bridge came up and we ran through. Ratchet face was all i needed.

I put her on the medical bed and Ratchet went to work trying to save our Sparkling.

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