The begining of The end

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SteelWing POV

I did a all night again and got no recharge I walked into the main room looking like a terricon. Miko was giggling. "Shut it" I mumbled and went onto Ratchet screens. I let Ratchet recharge and took his position. I froze. "Holy primus" I muttered and ran to everyone birth room and slammed on there doors. I ran back into the main room and everyone came out.

"It's so early why are we up?" Wheeljack groans. "Shut up and look" I said and on screen a massive amount of dark Energon lifts into atmosphere. "Megatron beginning his plan" I said and dad sighed. "Ratchet prepare for ground bride everyone collect a relic. Miko as well." Dad said and my jaw dropped. "Miko?!?" I asked and she smirked running out and coming back in with the apex armour.

"Wow your a proud wrecker" I said and Miko fist pumps the air. "BOOYA" she yells. It ended up that smokescreen had the phase shifter, bulk had the Immobilizer, Arcee had the Polarity Gauntlet,Bee had the spark extractor, Ultra Magnus had the forge of solus prime, dad had the star sabre, Wheeljack didn't want a relic, Predaking doesn't need one and I had the staff of Alpha Trion.

"Ground bridge fired up" Ratchet said and we nodded to each over. "Autobots. Transform and roll out!" Dad said and we went into vehicle mode and went through the green,blue and purple vortex.

The Decepticon war ship was landed and a huge space bridge was starting to activate. "I'll stop the space bridge you keep bucket head busy" I said and I whistled to Predaking to follow and we ran towards the space bridge as the others rammed into the Decepticons. Dad was fighting Megatron. Wheeljack had Soundwave. Arcce and arachnid,Bee and knockout,bulk and dreadwing. Ultra Magus and shockwave. And Miko was taking down Vehicons and fliers.

As we were trying to make the space bridge malfunction I caught somethin from the corner of my optic and I spammed the staff down making a proetective Barrier around us as Navyblade slammed into the barrier in his Predacon mode. "Ugly mine." Predaking said and I nodded as he changed to his Predacon mode and slammed into Navyblade. I was alone. Perfect. I went right to work while everyone was fighting.

Optimus POV

Mine and Megatron blades slammed into each over once again and we stood back. "How is that traitor of ours?" Megatron grinned and shot at me. I dodged. "She's perfectly fine. I would have liked to seen your face when you realised she tricked you" I said and scrapped his face with the blade. "Have any difficulties atm?" He asked with a smirk. He knows about the dark Energon infecting her. I kicked Megatron making him slide. "What happened to you Megatronus?" I said and he stroked the dark star sabre with his digit. "I found a better path. One that suits me" he said.

I swung again. " was about Elita" I said and it hit a nerve because he caught my shoulder plate. "You was jealous of mine and Elita relationship because nobody would have loved someone like you!" I said and send a wave of energy sending him flying. "That's not true prime and you know it!" He growled and send a dark wave at me and I cut it in half. "That's why you never likes SteelWing. She reminds you of her. It's your fault she's dead remember. You killed Elita!" I yelled and kicked Megatron sending him into a rock.

I turned to SteelWing her frozen face told it all until she snapped out of it and worked.

Wheeljack POV

I dodged soundwave tentacles and cut it off with my katana. He backed away in pain. I realised. He's not really fighting back. Then I stopped. "Why you not fighting con?" I asked and he looked at at me. "Because I am no longer a Decepticon" he said. HE SAID?!? HE SPOKE?!? IN HIS REAL VOICE!!! "S-so you want to help me and Predaking. He's having trouble" I asked and he nodded. We looked over to them and ran over.

Arcee POV

I kicked Arachnid and my blades came out and I striked her. I used the gantlet and slammed her into some fliers that just arrived and they got stuck to her. A ground bridge came up and they vanished. Really? That wasn't really a fight. I felt a kick and I slammed into the rocks and I was out cold.

Bulk POV

I Kicked Dreadwing and he slid back. "For a big bot you move quickly" he said. And I smirked. "I'll take that as a complement. You do well for an 'old' bot" I smirked. I stepped on something I looked down at the bomb Dreadwing placed and he had a smirk on his face as he press the button. The explosion happened and did a lot of damaged I got thrown into Arcee and we were both out.

Miko POV

I took out most of the fliers and Vehicons as I turn to an explosion. Arcee and bulk out cold with Dreadwing walking up to them. I ran and kicked the flier and sent him away from the two Autobots. "The Autobots got a human to do there job?" He asked and I smirked. "I'm a wrecker,and remember the last time you saw this?" I asked pointing at myself and the apex armour. He flinched. "Not even you and Optimus could take it down. So I would retreat." I warned.

he laughed. "You don't scare me human sparkling." He said as a noise came up. SteelWing was braking to code and putting it on self destruct. "YES!!" I yelled as Dreadwing made me slide back. "Your fight is with me!" He yells and I kick him but he caught it and thew me. This won't be easy.

Ultra Magus

SteelWing had the space bridge on meltdown. I dodged shockwave blaster and slammed the hammer into the ground making it spark up. "How is your niece?" Shockwave asked and I growled and he dodged a swing from me. "This was will be over Soon enough" I said. "Illogical. The Decepticons will win and Autobots will fall" shockwave said and I growled. "Frag you. Your illogical!" I yelled and the hammer got him in the face and slammed him into the wall. A rockslide happened and he got trapped under.


Knockout Being a pain in my aft. I had enough and pulled out the spark extractor. "Don't make me use this on you knockout" I beeped in a aggressive tone towards the medic. "How in primus did you get that back!" He yells and a smirk appeared. It shocked him to much he turned into vehicle and bolted. Hope he gets scrapped. "AUTOBOTS FALL BACK!" I yelled they got the signal. Miko and Wheeljack helped Bulk up while Soundwave got Arcee.

The all retreated. But Steelwing. "SteelWing fall back!" I yelled but I know she couldn't not yet. But she  gave in and the meltdown stopped working and Megatron laughed. "I can't wait to snuff all your sparks!" He yells and smokescreen walked in the middle with the phase shifter and spark extractor after I thew it to him. "I think I can help with that bucket head!" He yelled and jumped. He activated the spark extractor and jump thew the ground. All the fliers and Vehicons shut down completely. It caught Arachnid and she shut down.

SteelWing sighed and Arcee looks at arachnid and smiled. I realised it didn't reach Megatron since he thew the dark star sabre at the extractor and it shut down. I felt anger in SteelWing.

"This is our last stand!" She yells.

Me, SteelWing, Optimus, bulk,ultra Magnus, Predaking, smokescreen,Wheeljack,Miko and Soundwave stood and looked down at Megatron. He stood with.Dreadwing,knockout, shockwave,inceticons, Navyblade and an army of Vehicons coming from the ship.

This is our lasts chance.

To end this war

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