Miko been kidnapped!!

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SteelWing POV
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MIKO BEEN KIDNAPPED" I yell at Bulk who was already panicking. "Miko followed me on a mission and got herself caught!" He yelled and I grabbed him." We better figure a way to get her back or your head is coming off" My eyes flashed and he broke free and backed away in fear I realised and tried to calm down not working. "SteelWing...that's enough..." Dad said a little shocked at my outburst.

I sighed and held in my anger."what do they want?" I asked and Ratchet sighed. "I don't know.." He said and went back to his work. "We will split into teams... Me Ratchet and Ultra Magnus. Bumblebee Arcee and Bulk and smokescreen and Wheeljack" Dad said then looked at me. "Your emotions are effecting your judgement so your staying here as back up and ground bridge duties"And I sighed and nodded.

After I opened a ground bridges and they left I sighed going into my Holoform and playing a few games with Jack and Raf. We where playing Mario Cart on the wii and I was beating there ass. I was laughing at the end but then realised. How quite it was. "Miko..." I muttered an jack looks at me.

"Steel...your crying" Jack said and I whipped away my tears and I fizzled into my real body and transformed. "what about a ride?" I said and they nodded before I transformed and they jumped in. "Who's going to help if the others need a bridge. "I'm a prime I'll figure it out.." I said and I put the pedal to the metal and left base.

After an hour of driving we made out way back with nothing with the groups...they must be looking hard. I sighed suddenly a signal try's to get in a realised its from the Decepticon leader himself. "This is Autobot base omega 2 what do you want Megatron" I said in a unfriendly tone. "You must be that sparkling..." He said and with a slight grim tone to it. "Where the human!" I snapped not saying Miko name just in case. "You mean Miko...she's been a great companion...haven't you?" Then Miko voice came on.

" THE AUTOBOTS ARE GOING TO SCRAP YOU AND YOUR ARMY" She yells. "What do you want!" I yelled and he laughs. "I hear i hit a nerve...come to these coordinates and I'll give you're Miko back to you" he laughed as the coordinates came in. I sigh then look at Raf

"Man the ground bridge...I'll need you to being Miko and the others back." I said and Jack came in. "Are you insane!? Megatron is going to scrap you" he said and I sighed nodding. "It was nice meeting you guys" I said with a smile. "Start the ground bridge" I said and Raf sighed and it opened and I walked through.

When I came in. Megatron,Knockout,dreadwing and Predaking were there with Miko in a Glass container. "Came alone? ARE YOU MAD!" I hear Miko yell and I sigh. "Hand her over then we can talk" I said and Knockout smirked and put Miko down in the middle of our distance and backed away then I went and picked her up and brought her to my optics. "Did they hurt you?" I asked and she shook her head. "Good.." I said keeping an eye on Megatron. "How could you deal with that metal maniac?" Miko said and I smiled. "Keep you safe Miko Bulk is missing you." I said and asked Raf to open a ground bridge. "Bye Miko" I said and she slammed on the glass it did nothing. "NO! DONT LET HIM TAKE YOU!" She yells and Megatron smirked. I did a fake smile and rolled the glass container into the ground bridge then it closed.

"Why didn't you go in the ground bridge when you had a chance?" Megatron asked but he knew the answer. "Because you would've followed making the location of our base open to you...your sick mind already did that once that almost killed Optimus" I said with a death glare. "What do you want off me" I asked and he smirked. "The power of a prime" He said and walked over to me and looked down. "Your smaller then Prime" he said mocking me. "I didn't age that much when I became a prime...only a few thousand earth years" I said and he nodded. "Also...I want my questions answered" he said and I took a step back. "Fire away" I said and he smirked. "Who are you?" He asked and I sighed. " you already know I'm the daughter of Elita one and Optimus and my name is SteelWing..." I said and he nodded." I was only appointed a prime recently...I haven't been one since birth. And I met Alpha Trion when it did happen" I said and he was A little shocked. "Why did he make you a prime...children of primes don't always become one and at this young age" Megatron said and I sighed. "Because I took my mother place as the Prime of life and took the Matrix of life when Alpha Trion gave it to me" I looked up at Megatron blood red optics mine showing no fear. " I want to scrap you so badly for what you done" I growled at him gritting on my dentas. And he chuckled. "Mother like daughter" he said and grabbed my arm. I flinched and thew him out of instinct and he hand on his feet and smirked.

"Good reflexes.." He said. "Like I'll ever be a Decepticon!" I snapped and he aimed him cannon at me and shot and I dodged it easy. "Your old and slow" I muttered pissing him off and making him charge. His sword comes out and he jumps. Same as I did to Ultra Magnus my sword comes out and I block it but Megatron was stronger I mean like 5X stronger. And made a crater under me I jumped and when I landed my arm was my blaster and I shot him. Hitting him in the optic he groan in pain but I suddenly get pinned by the beast and I couldn't move."Get off me you metal freak!" I yell and he screeched and stamped on me harder. "Good job Predaking...take her back to the ship...and watch her...she's a slippery one" just as he said that a ground bridge opens and Dad, uncle smokescreen. Arcee and bulk came in. "Leave with her now!" Megatron yells shooting at the others I growl and try to brake free as Pedaking shot into the air. I could hear yelling as I see Megatron and the others retreat. I sigh looking at the beast...he looks familiar. Like I've seen him before. Them memories flash.

He was the sparkling from my dreams. I try and brake free into free fall and did but he grabbed me and knocked me out going into darkness.

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