The plan gone wrong

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Optimus POV

It's been 3 weeks since SteelWing went on her mission and we got the plan about the space bridge and the Decepticon Predacon army. The terricons were enough but a dead Predacons we would lose the war. Ratchet been worried sick for SteelWing he hadn't had any recharge since he's waiting for a response for her. I sighed. The Energon we collected was enough to last us a few months. With the added one SteelWing got us before leaving we have enough for half a year.

"Old friend are you ok?" I asked and Ratchets eyes looked exhausted and I sighed . "Go get some rest..I will watch the screens" I said and he nodded going to his berthroom and closing the door behind. "Any word?" Ultra Magnus asked and I sighed. "It's to dangerous to talk. But Predaking the only one able to talk to SteelWing and he told us everything in that small time" I said looking at my brother..he looked upset.

"She will care for herself. It's in her nature. When she has all of the data I'll tell you" I said and he nodded walking away. I sent smokescreen,Wheeljack and bulk on a mission and bumblebee and Arcee are with the 3 human children. Everyone else is in base waiting for news. I'm so worried Megatron will figure it out before SteelWing has all the data. I want her to be safe.

SteelWing POV
The disgusting insignia was on my left side of my stomach and I walk through the hall the Vehicons and lower officers would bow as I walk passed. I smirked as I reached the medical bay. "Knockout how is brakedown?" I asked and he looked over. "He's...offline" He said and I showed sadness in my eyes. "I shall tell Lord Megatron" I said. But before I left. "Sorry knockout" I said and left. I felt bad for him.

I walked past Navyblue and I smirked at him. He growled and grabbed me and pushed me agents the wall. "Don't mock me" he growled. "Your just a knockoff of me..and you know that" I said and he growled. "I'm the one that's more Predacon.." He said and I smirked. "I command you to let me go" I said and a smirk appeared on his face. "What are you going to do about it?" He asked. Big mistake.

Alpha Trion staff was in my hand and I smirked. It changed into a shock prod and strike him. He groans and fell to his knees. "That's what happens." I growled and my eyes glowed yellow. It was a way Predacons prove there dominance. The prod and staff vanished and I walk away. "Backstabbing aft" I muttered and I walked into the throne room. And I bowed to Megatron.. I hate this part.

"Lord Megatron..knockout had told me that brakedown is now offlined." I sighed and Megatron slammed his fist into the arm of his throne. I didn't flinch. He doesn't scare me anymore. "Blasted Autobots!" He growls. Did he care for brakedown? Or just his abilities. "I'll be back. Your in charge of the nemesis until my return." Megatron said and Bingo. My opportunity. "Yes my lord" I said and I watch him leave.

I can get the lab to myself. And get into the sensitive files and download them. Then I'll escape. I'll need to get rid of Soundwave. And then as if someone set of a lightbulb I smirked. "Soundwave and knockout I need some help" I said and in a matter of seconds Soundwave and knockout came in. "Yes commander SteelWing?" He said and I smiled like the ring to it. "I would like you to look at this powerful Energon signal. I bealive it's better for well better soldiers for This." I explained and Soundwave nodded opening a ground bridge and leaving.

"Shockwave I will be in the lab if you need me" I said and he nodded going back to his work with the space bridge. I smirked going to the lab. I went into the secure files and started to download them. As I waited I cleaned the place up for knockout. No Energon spillage and all the tools are Hung up in there places. It was tidy. I realised its been an hour and the files finally finish downloading a smirk appeared on my face and his the downloaded disk in my chest.

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