Through my optics (FINAL REALLY LONG)

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General POV
The nemesis lands on the dead planet of cybertron. Megatron,shockwave,Navyblade and all of the Autobots jump off and start walking to the well of sparks. "SteelWing" Optimus muttered as he held the matrix of life Close to his spark.Bumblebee hasn't spoken since it happened and Ultra Magnus spark is completely broken. But he isn't showing it. As they walk slowly towards the well of sparks the matrix started to glow pink. Wheeljack looked at it then at Optimus.

"This is how she would have wanted it. Optimus. For our planet to be restored." Arcee said and Optimus sighed. "I just wished she was here to witness it.." Optimus said and held the matrix tighter. "I'm so sorry Optimus" Megatronous said and Optimus looked over to him. "I have forgiven you. But we must look up to the future. Or we will never find peace" Optimus said and the Matrix flew out of Optimus Servo and went for the for the well of sparks.

Everyone looked at each over and ran for it at the same time trying to keep up. It stopped right next to it. "Someone has to do it" Navyblade said and he looked down at everyone. But the Matrix went into one mech servo. It was Megatronous. He looked at it and then the others. "Her spark is still in here. But why me?" Megatronus said. "Properly it shows forgiveness" Ratchet said still not trusting that the war is over and SteelWing dead. Megatron went up to the well of sparks and as he let go a jet came down and grabbed it.

He transformed and slid. "STARSCREAM" Megatronous yelled and the mech turned with a evil grin to his face. "Megatron...I mean Megatronus sorry to interrupt but I'm here to revive cybertron." Starscream said and shockwave stepped in. "Illogical starscream. You and what army?" He asked and he laughed. "So glad you asked" he said and 7 dead Predacons roar and land next to starscream. His eyes glowing purple as he controls the beasts.

"This army" he said and they charged. "EVERYONE SPLIT OFF INTO TEAMS!" Bulk yells as they all dodged the Predacons. Bulk and Jackie went fighting a griffin Predacon. Optimus and Mgeatronus went for the biggest Predacon dragon. Accee and Bumblebee went agents a unicorn Predacon. Shockwave and Ultra Magnus went after a Phoenix Predacon. Smokescreen and Ratchet went for the smaller dragon Predacon. And Navyblade and Predaking had there own Predacons one was a hydra and the other was a three headed dog.

Wheeljack POV

We dodged the griffin claw attack and I swung my katanna at it. It screeched and jumped back dark Energon leaked from its body. "Bulk there are weak spots under its armour but we want to go by the head." I yelled and bulk nodded. He distracted the beats while I got close. I realise it had armour on its neck. Predaking and Navyblade don't have that armour. I looked around and all of the dead Predacons have the armour. Starscream smarter then he looks.

I was forced out of my thoughts when a claw swiped at me. "Jackie watch it!" Bulk yells. "We can't kill them!" I yelled back and I think everyone heard. "They have armour on all there body. Pulling the armour off will just make us tired to fight. And starscream knows that!" I yelled and everyone nodded. A few more swings later and a flash of white light blinds us.

Arcee PoV
We dodged a stamp of the Predacons hoofs as it neighs and kicks. Me and bumblebee couldn't land a single hit. It snorts and shot a green lighter from its horn. I dodged it and the light landed on a rock. It was Acid. "This thing stronger then we thought" I said as I landed a hit on its side. Only just denting it.

"What the frag" bee yelled as he get kicked and got shot into some metal. "Bee!" I yelled and the Predacon kicked me. It was about to finish bee when a bright flash of light happened.

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