Megatron warship

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Optimus POV

I was pacing around the base hoping SteelWing will be ok  until Ratchet stopped me. " need to calm down." Ratchet said and I looked at him. "Megatron will have no second hesitations and could easily snuff SteelWing spark." I said and he sighed

"There no way we have the resources to get her out I'm sorry Optimus. The Energon SteelWing got us is still changing to liquid and not ready for if anyone gets hurt. I know she's your daughter but we can't risk the others sparks" Ratchet said and I finally gave in.

"I'm just...scared" I muttered and it kind of stunned Ratchet." I'll do my best but...only SteelWing can escape now" Ratchet said and I sighed hoping for a chance that she would. "She's a prime..she can handle Megatron" Ratchet said and went back to his work on finding her. "She's a fool" a voice called out and we look over to Miko. She was with Bulk but didn't talk until now. "Prime or not she's going to get herself killed" Miko muttered. "I've seen what he can's not pleasant" Miko said looking up at me and I sighed. "We have to find the Decepticon warship...and we have to find it fast.

SteelWing POV

I woke up in the Predacon kennels and Pedaking was in his bot form and watching me. "I remember you from somewhere" he said and I stood and nodded. "Same saved my life by ending yours" I said looking down."I'm sorry about that.." I said and he stood from where he was sitting and he towered me but a small smile came on his face.

But it suddenly goes as the doors open. "I see your awake" Megatron said and I was going to jump off the ship and book it but there kept an eye on me. "Where the location of the Autobot base?" Megatron said and I smirked. "I don't know...maybe Antarctica..or even the Amazon forest" I said in a sarcastic voice that makes him mad. "cortical psychic patch won't work on me either. That's been programmed in me" I said and he growled.

And towered me. Why does everyone tower me?!?! But then he spoke"I have other ways to make you talk." Megatron said in a threatening tone and I growled and my eyes flash a dangerous pink and blue that made Megatron grab my arm tight. I thew him. "Don't touch me" I muttered and he smirked. Then Breakdown came and pinned me to the floor. "You your servos off me!" I yell and he chuckles.

"Your more pathetic then me" I smirked looking at his optic. "Even I wouldn't get caught by humans" I said and he grits his dentas and slams me into the ground. But it didn't hurt. "I shall take her to Knockout" Megatron said. And cuffs where put on my by Predaking and I sighed and walked with Megatron. "You get nothing out of me" I said and he chuckles. "We shall wait and see" he said. "I rather give up my life then risk the others" I snapped right back and we made it to Knockout.

After a while of my resisting they finally got my in a cell and in magnetic chains. "You Decepticon scum!" I yell and knockout chuckles. "Your nothing like other primes" Knockout said. "Yea...non of you knew my mother was a prime until now though... I'm full of surprises" I growled the last part. "Her armour protects her from most I want you to strip it off" Megatron said and I yell. "YOU TRY AND YOU WILL REGRET IT" and Megatron smirks. "L-Lord Megatron...I've never been forced to strip a prisoner of there armour..." Knockout said I could tell he's embarrassed. "It what will make her weaker..shes a prime I'm not taking any risks." He said. "Of course my lord" Knockout said and he left.

"Don't you dare" I growled and he chuckled. "Sorry orders are orders" he said and went to take off my armour and I kicked him."this is going to take a while" he said and I growled. After like 2 hours he finally stripped me. "Your disgusting" I growled and he sighed putting the armour on the floor. And then went to his comm.

"she's finally stripped of her armour what do you want me to do with her?" He asked and I didn't hear what Megatron said. "Ok my lord" he said and cut the comm. He left and came back with a prod. It was powered by dark Energon I could tell by the colour. "Beat me all you like your getting nothing out of me!" I yelled and he chuckled "Lord Megatron knew you would say that...lets see how long you can last with dark Energon zapping at your strength" he said and hit me with the prod it hurt way more then it should've because of my amour was gone and I felt naked (Autobots armour are like human clothes yea it would make u feel naked)

I groan in pain but not enough for a yell. "Your stronger then I thought." he upped the power and hit me again I couldn't hold it in and I yelled. "There we go.." Knockout said enjoying all of it. I started leaking Energon and it hit the floor. "Lord Megatron should I let her recharge..she's lost Energon" knockout said and Megatron came into the room I had dark Energon sparking off me and Energon on the floor. "Patch her up then when she is ready try tests on her...but make sure they won't kill her...I want the prime alive" He said and left.

I groan and felt pain all over me. I felt paralysed. I see knockout patching me up and just left him to it. Megatron came in when Knockout was done. "Leave us" he said and knockout nodded. "Don't beat her to much" he said and left.

I still had that look on my face and he smirked. "Comfy?" He asked and I roll my optics "I don't think your comfy and my comfy are the same" I muttered and he chuckles. "Now...the Autobot base...what is omega base two?" He said and I remember that I told him about he base. "It's just the name.." I muttered.

I was exhausted but I would refuse to go in recharge. "So how you going to make me talk?" I said and he smirked. "By luring you Autobots into a trap" he said and I roll my optics. "Not going to brake me" I said and he smirked. "Who that Miko girl?" That hit a nerve and I stung the chain. "WE HAD A DEAL" I yell and he smirks.

His sword came out. "You touch her and I will leave you in a scrap heat...same with the other humans you have met." My eyes glow and he smirks and slightly cut into my skin. I groan and he smirks leaving deeper marks into my body "that should leave a few scars" he said and I kick him In the stomach and sent him flying.

"Frag you" I yelled and he was pissed and grabbed the chains and pulled them so I was giving him optic contact. "I would watch your tongue and actions around me" he said in a threatening tone that didn't scare me. "Go get scrapped" I said and he kicked me in the stomach.I yelped and he smirked i looked up at him.

"Like I said stay away from the humans...and go get scrapped" I said in his threatening tone mocking him and he growled. "Your lucky I need you alive" he said and I smirked. "It takes more then a stab and a collapsing canyon to scrap me" I said and he left.

Knockout came In with a container of dark Energon and the prod. "Let's test this out.." He injected the dark Energon i let out a scream it hurt so much. It stung my whole body and my screams can be heard all over the ship. Knockout had a smirk on his face.

Megatron POV

I smirked and called up the base. "Optimus lovely to hear and see you" I said with a smirk. "Where my daughter!" He yelled and I put up 3 digits and counted down then when the last Digit went down SteelWing scream came though the brig and Optimus face showed he was mad. "What are you doing to her!" The small human named Miko yelled. "How are you little Miko" he said and I smirked. "It's only a few tests..she should survive them...but the scars I've left on her" I said and laughed. "What do you want!" I hear ratchet voice. "The medic even joined in huh?" I chuckled. "I want all the relics you own..they are Decepticon weaponry and belong to us" I said and Optimus sighed. "We will give you all your Decepticon relics back.. but I want my daughter back" he said and I smirked. "As you wish..." I said and sent coordinates. And then cut the comm.

"What about the prisoner Lord Megatron?" A vehicon asked and I laughed. "Leave her and carry on knockouts tests on her..." I have a meeting with a father" I laugh getting a few fliers and Predaking and I transformed and flew off the others following closely behind.

Optimus POV

We made it to the coordinates and as the ground bridge landed Megatron,Predaking and his minions arrived. " daughter. Where is she" I asked and he smirked. "The relics first..when we will give your daughter back" Megatron said and we put all the relics in the middle. Like the apex armour and the relics that were not made by the primes.

The fliers get the relics and fly off. "My daughter Megatron!" I yell and he laughs. "SteelWing is such good company I think I might keep her" Megatron smirks and the Predacon attacks us while Megatron transformed and took flight. Then Predaking joined them. "MEGATRON!!" I yelled and shot at him and he got away. I was pissed as the humans would say it and Arcee looked down the the floor as Smokescreen comfort her. "Let's go back to base..." Smokescreen said and we sighed thinking I lost my daughter for good.

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