Define 'Friend'

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..::Ciel's POV::..
Getting shaken awake wasn't the best especially in the morning but I did over sleep by ten minutes. I groaned and rolled over to see who was shaking me. I puffed my cheeks and sighed, giving in and sitting up.

"Alois..I was having a good dream for once!" He giggled as I rubbed my eyes reaching over to my phone and checking the time. 5:13 am. My phone read, I huffed a large sigh and shooed the blonde away so we could both get ready.

.::Time Skip::.
.::Time: 6:47::.

I finished getting ready and grabbed my phone knowing that my book bag was waiting for me downstairs. I walked out of my room and knocked on Alois's door, hearing him tumble to open it.

"Are you ready? Because, we still need to eat." I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes seeing his bed hair and him being half dressed.

"Uh- give me like two minutes!" He shouted slightly closing the door and rushing around in the room. I waited outside his room for two minutes, about to knock on his door again until he opened the door, I pulled my hand away and began walking downstairs with him following behind. I was about halfway down until I saw Alois sliding on the railing, my blood boiled causing my face to get red and making me speed down the stairs.

"Alois Trancy! You do not do that in this household!" I shouted and saw him chuckle.

"Awe yes, Mom~!" He sarcastically said while I rolled my eye and huffed a sigh, walking to the dining table to eat breakfast. I cut into the perfectly made pancakes with strawberries and powder sugar on top, taking the first bite was like heaven until I looked over at Alois who was already done with his food. I gave him a glare and him smile while meyrin took his plate as he thanked her. 'Well at least he has manners..' I rolled my eyes at the thought and finished with the dish not much later.

I said my goodbyes to the servants along with Alois as Sebastian handed me my book bag, I took it and gave Alois my spare one. We got outside and walked down the large pair of steps leading to the car, I got into the passenger seat and Alois got into the back as I threw my bag at him. He growled and I laughed mischievously as Sebastian started the car.

Alois leaned over to us and turned on the radio, I looked over at Sebastian giving him a look of 'we never turned on the radio before, why is he doing it?' He looked back at me basically saying the same thing. I sighed and listened to the radio channel change until it finally stopped. I was hearing a completely different language, what kind of music is this?! I looked back at Alois giving him a confused look.

"What kind of music is this?! What band is this I've never in my life has heard this!?" I shouted and he gasped covering his mouth. The car stopped and I knew we had to get out, since Sebastian always drops me off a long ways before the school so I can walk there. I shushed Alois and got out, opening the door for him and letting him get out before grabbing our stuff and shutting the door once more. Sebastian drove off as Alois tugged my arm, I looked over at him and sighed.

"So, you seriously don't know who BTS is?" He asked skipping up to me, I shook my head replying. "No-" I got cut off by Alois mid sentence. "What about EXO, blackpink, twice, got7, seventeen, oh-oh what about Shinee? I heard they lost a was hard on me..that's partially why I did that yesterday.." he looked down then back at me waiting for an answer, I stared at him blankly not knowing what he was asking so I just shook my head and kept walking. We were approaching the school so I started to part away from Alois, keeping my distance from him but, before that I told him my number so he could call me if anything happens- but the flaw was that he said his phone stopped working yesterday. I gave him another spare phone that I kept with me just in case and told him that my phone number was already on there so he didn't have to worry.

As we were about to enter the school- he ran in front of me and, I worried. Yes, Ciel Phantomhive, the person said to have no emotions was worrying about a mere person who had no meaning. He got pushed into the lockers causing a scene, causing everyone in the area to look. I minded my own business, pretending I didn't know him and continued to walk away. Though, it was hard not to pay attention to the sounds of someone getting hurt, bullied. I stopped hearing it soon since I was getting far away from the situation but I didn't see any teachers rush over there. No one seemed to care. Except me of course but, I don't want to damage my reputation so I didn't do anything. I kept it to myself. I eventually saw Alois run up to the nurses office with a completely bloody face and nose, a black eye and luckily no broken bones. I heard his sniffles and tears, people were still watching him, doing nothing. They disgust me. I don't need friends because they'll just turn on me one day.

It's not worth the risk. I got to class seeing an extra desk that was never there before, I chose to ignore it and sit in my spot which was next to Elizabeth, who was already there. I sighed as she smiled and her giant pigtails bobbed as she giggled and poked my cheek.

"Good morning, mr. Grumpy~" she cheerfully said as I mumbled into my arms. "Shut up.." she pouted and crunched up paper and threw it at my head. I huffed and glared at her, seeing the teacher waltz into the class. Mr. Knox did the morning attendance as usual and straightened up looking like he was about to say something important which caught my eye, making me regain posture.

"Listen class, as some of you may have noticed: we have a new desk in the class," all the students look in the direction of the desk then back at him. "Well, that deal isn't for decoration of course, but for a new student who will be joining us!" He grinned making everyone cringe and wonder who it was. 'Is it a new kid or someone changing classes?' My mind wondered but came back to Mr. Knox.

"Well, now why don't I introduce our new student? Well he isn't really new but he is changing classes," everyone rolled their eyes and took attention to the door. "Come in don't be shy." He whispered as the blonde stepped in, everyone was disgusted.

" name is Alois Trancy.. and I will be in your class from now on.." he hesitated. I was shocked. I caught his attention, I didn't want his attention. I didn't want him near me. I looked beside to Lizzy but then past her realizing that the empty seat was next to her.

This is not what I wanted. Not one bit.
A/N: eyy, if you're reading this hi again! It's me, so I'm sorry if it's a bit rushed and crapy I don't want it to seemed rushed so I'm sorry if it does but i promise I will take my time in writing these! If you have any feedback or ways to make it more interesting please do comment! It really supports me! Thanks, loves!! :>

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